
Sol Orwell

I build companies for fun.


Have built 6 companies online, 3 valued at 7 figures+ Mostly known for co-founding @Examinecom. Now I just enjoy life and do what I like.

Recent Answers

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Is it good practice to have the questions/answers on your FAQ page use their own meta tags for SEO?

Sol Orwell

I build companies for fun.

You can always use javascript so that it can open the answer on the page, but then for search engines lead them to a specific page for that FAQ.


Where do I find a co-founder to join my team?

Sol Orwell

I build companies for fun.

My favorite place is to go to where the experts hang out - I usually need a co-founder who is an expert in their subject matter, and I take care of everything else. Best place I've had success with? reddit. Mind you, I'm no interloper; I've been part of reddit for over 9 years. I just join the relevant subreddits, see what people are seeing, and slowly but surely I figure out who the even-keeled intelligent people are. I then reach out and take it from there...

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