
Josh Peete

California School District Superintendent


An authority in the field of education serving California schools for 20+ years. At a glance: superintendent / principal since 2010, teacher, grant writer, coach, listener, and professional problem solver.

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A problem with writing a dissertation

Josh Peete

California School District Superintendent

More information is needed to answer this question. I'm assuming that you are in a master's or doctoral program that requires a thesis or dissertation. Also, the way the above is written - you may not be a native English speaker. I notice issues with your grammar and punctuation in the question stated above - for example: using commas where periods should go - etc... The thesis, action research, dissertation - call it what you will - is a 100% polished product that concludes your study in a certain subject. To earn my master's degree, I completed an action research project that was nearly 100 pages long without a single error in grammar, punctuation, APA formatting, etc... This is a tall task for someone that is not a native English student or simply struggles at academic writing. You are going to have to spend money to work closely with an academic proofreader / editor. I'd consider the cost of this service just part of your education expenses. You can't make it this far and not complete the final thesis / dissertation / research project.

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