
Hessel van

Marketing & Sales Innovation


Internet of Things | Blockchain | entrepreneur| Energy | Solar Panels | Telecom | Marketing | Sales

Recent Answers


I started a tech company that's doing extremely well. It has market leadership and growth by 400% each year, but I'm extremely bored. What to do?

Hessel van

Marketing & Sales Innovation

Try to think about to put your company into a blockchain structure, anonymous, global, without location, using smartcontracts. Blockchain is linked to bit coin but change your mindset into blockchain technology can change everything : money without banks, identities without government, and much more! What do you do with your succesful company? In the past I have seen good examples of succesful entrepreneurs like: Brian wrong (kuip), Garreth Gee(scanned) If you like to me for free!

Mobile Advertising

What is the most effective way of advertising apps?

Hessel van

Marketing & Sales Innovation

I think survey frameworks in apps are the most revolutionary and engaging But also services like Kipp are great!

Mobile applications

What are some of the best mobile app development teams money can buy?

Hessel van

Marketing & Sales Innovation

We work with companies for longterm, trust goes first! We have our HQ in Chernivtsi,Ukraine and I'm project manager based in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. We are a software companie: Global IT Support Focussed on new technologies : iBeacons, Internet of Things, mobile, and more We mostly work for clients in Europe but also did a project related to Wearables in San Francisco (remotely)

Mobile applications

Anyone deploy a large scale iBeacon initiative yet?

Hessel van

Marketing & Sales Innovation

More then one! I am owner of community : Beacon iced on Google+! Check it out and find the best white papers, examples, companies: Estimote, Lightcurb, beacons tachtig, to me a few

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Business DevelopmentCommunity BuildingRenewable EnergyTechnology EvangelismPlatform EvangelismInternet of ThingsTelecommunication ServicesSustainable BusinessConsultancySolar Energy