
Nicolas Deverge

LeanStartup advisor on the field, not only theory.


Founder of TeamMood and LeanStartup advisor in an accelerator. Doing side projects as a hobby, in order to learn new things every day. Also a software developer.

Recent Answers


What do you do if you created a Saas in a space that you're just not passionate about? Do you still try to monetize it? Or just drop it?

Nicolas Deverge

LeanStartup advisor on the field, not only theory.

I'm running several side projects of my own, and I had hard times to maintain some of them because their domain did not interest me anymore. Depending on the project and the engagement that you have with your customers, you have several strategies. Either you go in "maintenance mode" with the current customers and welcome new ones without actively doing marketing, or maybe you can sell the business to a competitor or someone interest (there are markeplaces for that), or maybe you can also shutdown the whole thing. I'd be happy to share my experience with you :-)

Database Marketing

I've come into possession of a dormant social brand and large email database, how can I monetize it?

Nicolas Deverge

LeanStartup advisor on the field, not only theory.

Get to know them before trying to sell them anything. Since you have a large user base, build cohorts of people (let's say groups of 5k people), and send them a fake personal email related to the brand to: - do they remember the brand? - why did they sign up in the first place? Doing this, you'll be able to better understand their interest. The idea to split the user base is for you to test several approaches. You'll have to use some analytics tool to track these people (email open, engagement etc...). We can discuss this further if needed.

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