
Jeff Magnusson

CEO at Playerize


Co-Founder at Playerize

Recent Answers

Customer Development

What are some good hacks to get mobile app developers spend 20 minutes on customer interview or try out your MVP?

Jeff Magnusson

CEO at Playerize

Find them locally, and buy them a beer.

Early Stage Investment

Who would be the best early stage VC's or angels for a career services marketplace, looking for $500k, experienced e-commerce founder, beta in dev

Jeff Magnusson

CEO at Playerize

Get on AngelList (, it's widely used by web and e-commerce investors. Best way to get visibility.

Growth Capital

I am seeking $2million in growth capital for my company, Any recommendations for firms/individuals with expertise in my area?

Jeff Magnusson

CEO at Playerize

Looks like an e-commerce platform, so you'd be well suited to AngelList (, where there is a lot of expertise on Web2 and SAAS. This is really the best platform for making yourself visible to investors.

Venture Capital

What due diligence should be expected for a seed investment from seed fund(s) and individuals?

Jeff Magnusson

CEO at Playerize

Very little. At the angel/seed stage, they're investing in the founders, so there's no expectation of patents, etc... They might check that you're incorporated in good standing, and ensure you have a solid startup/corporate lawyer, and have good employment and IP ownership agreements with your staff and contractors, and that's about it.

Equity Funding

How small are the chances of getting seed funding ($40K) outside of own country and where to look for it? (poor Angel/VC infrastructure in Bulgaria)

Jeff Magnusson

CEO at Playerize

I know some accelerators and angels (eg. Vancouver's GrowLab) actively seek founders from other countries - they've had mutliple startups come through from Romania for example. Also, 500Startups is working very hard to expand internationally, even launching programs in India, etc. Reach out to those organizations.

Website Management

I want to make a website for my B-plan, what are pros and cons of outsourcing the website designing over getting it done in house.

Jeff Magnusson

CEO at Playerize

Just find a Wordpress theme for it, I expect if you google "wordpress theme business plan" you'll find many free and paid options, select the one you like, and you can have your b-plan website up in no time either self-hosted or on

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Areas of Expertise

EntrepreneurshipStart-upsSoftware DevelopmentVenture CapitalEntrepreneurSoftware EngineeringBudgetingSocial GamesBusiness ModelingGlobal Business Development