
Michael Paulson

Technical Interviews, JS Expert @ Netflix


Technical: Lead Developer for at Netflix. 7 years experience in Javascript and a year of Node @ scale w/ Netflix. Senior UI Plaftrom Engineer @ Netflix.

Interpersonal: I have conducted over a hundred in person interviews and many phone interviews for technical developer roles. I know what to look for when looking for that perfect developer for Web / Node positions.

Recent Answers

Mobile applications

Where can I find a app developer who can develop an app for around 2000 dollars?

Michael Paulson

Technical Interviews, JS Expert @ Netflix

There is an old phrase "you get what you pay for." If your app is simple and you expect someone >20 hours to complete this app, then yes, you can find a dev to do build this app. But it's more than likely that your application will take some effort, if you need guidance, give me a call. I know developers and can give you a basic estimate on how much your app will cost to develop.

Staff Development

What questions should we have our employees answer each week in a standard "wrap up" email to management?

Michael Paulson

Technical Interviews, JS Expert @ Netflix

I think that it would be important to answer the following questions. * Who comes up with the "thoughtful questions"? And are they new every week? * Who is responsible for the answering of these questions? * What is the pace of the start-up? * Will every team's concerns / progress / roadblocks / setbacks be relevant to management? * How much time should each team spend on developing its response (related to point 2)? * " employees feel heard, ..." - How do you plan to measure this? * Is a weekly cadence the right pace? ** Can teams align their "wrap-up" with their natural development cycles (this is more relevant if the company is a technology company)? * Will these wrap-ups be relevant to other teams? Answering these questions can help develop how relevant these emails are both to employees and to management.

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