
David Grosso

Marketing & sales, domestic & internatiinal market


Enterpreneur, marketer with a strong expertise and experiencein in foreing markets and best business solutions.

Recent Answers

Marketing Strategy

What's the best way to get my first 100 customers for my SMB SaaS software I'm about to launch?

David Grosso

Marketing & sales, domestic & internatiinal market

I would use FB ads.

Amazon Kindle

Is using Amazon's advertising for a children's ebook effective?

David Grosso

Marketing & sales, domestic & internatiinal market

No it is not. Unless you are a big name you place yourself next to strong competitors that are supported by big budgets. Start small with friends, friends of friends, get reviwes, create a blog become known and maybe spend some money with FB ads. If you have the budget print some copies and fight for your space with readers clubs etc. It is a tough business with a lot of competition and therefore you must work in order to be noticed .

HR Consulting

What is the right ratio of sales and customer handling staff VS other staff?

David Grosso

Marketing & sales, domestic & internatiinal market

No, but there is practice and accounting. A salesman must bring in up to a million dollar in sales before you hire a new salesman (this is a thumb rule in many companies) therefore you must do your homework and see what a million dollars allows you keeping in mind the bottom line.

Ecommerce Strategy

What must small company CEOs know about eCommerce?

David Grosso

Marketing & sales, domestic & internatiinal market

It depends by your company size and structure, but i think a CEO of a small company must understand what is pertinent to strategic decisions for his company. If you are thinking of changing the way you sell, it is better you understand why, which are the cost involved, benchmark your competition and see what they do. You need to have the situation in your hand in order to guide the decision process in the best way.


Do we need to get a license for all content in order to start a website that hosts files for download? (mp3, videos, etc)

David Grosso

Marketing & sales, domestic & internatiinal market

If you mention what?

Angel Investor

An investor who own's 20% is demanding I give him access so he can see every single transaction that i make on the business account. Is this right?

David Grosso

Marketing & sales, domestic & internatiinal market

Normally an investor has the right to inspect the accounting books. But he needs to ask it in a formal manner with a letter, he cannot just come and ask for the books you could tell I do not have them ready for you. Be careful this is normally an atypical situation (as numbers are reviewed during the shareholders meetings) and i strongly suggest that you consult your company's lawyer and use him to follows this case. Laws can be slightly different depending states and companies bylaws.

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