
Sundar (Sundaramoorthy

Negotiation, Ecommerce and Motivational Trainer


Marketing and Negotiation is a master piece of art which is inbuilt with me. Your Business Services / Products will not be sold it will be a Solutions for your Customers

Recent Answers

App Marketing

As a passion project I have developed a music app, which will be launching soon. What is the best way to promote it?

Sundar (Sundaramoorthy

Negotiation, Ecommerce and Motivational Trainer

The most economic and powerful mode of marketing is Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) Nothing can beat this WOMM and because its suggested or told or promoted by nearones/dearones to others it has its max reach with trust. That too you a app for MUSIC, liked by everyone. With this modern world after Social Networking sites came in everyone forget this WOMM but even now WOMM wins. So try this with zero cost.


Is this is a good idea to start an E-commerce platform to sell all the Accessories at one place?

Sundar (Sundaramoorthy

Negotiation, Ecommerce and Motivational Trainer

Based on my E-commerce business experience, i would like to say / advise / put across my opinion that Apart from Setting up portal, tieing up with Vendors who supplies Accessories or a market place, Logistics across various geographical areas, etc.. all these one side and the other side is promotional of your E-commerce, this eats all your margins initially if not planned well. E-commerce will get more money in turn promotional has to be done in many ways and the cost is also huge. The other side is very important (ie Promotional , campaign, Social Media Advertisement etc....) Many have good portal with several products but due to lack of funds for Marketing could not survive. We can discuss more over phone if you wish.

Public Speaking

What's the best way to improve the sound of my voice?

Sundar (Sundaramoorthy

Negotiation, Ecommerce and Motivational Trainer

Voice will raise and go down depend on the topic which you discuss in turn shows the confident about the topic. The voice always get the attention of opponent that depends on what pitch you are in. A graph plot should show the proper voice as a sinusoidal wave with ups and down that is the perfect way of communicating. It cannot be with higher pitch or lower pitch always. Increase your voice based on the points which you like to stress and come back to normal which it is not required that's how the points will be registered with opponent. Lot of things are connected with voice example SHOUTING 1. to get the attention of someone 2. to show angry 3. to show confidence 4. to show commanding etc...... we can discuss more like this

Public Speaking

I get nervous when presenting webinars or online teleseminars. How can I feel confident and deliver good online presentations?

Sundar (Sundaramoorthy

Negotiation, Ecommerce and Motivational Trainer

Be confident about the topic which you discuss or presenting to the crowd. Presentation is a skill to be developed by an individual, The content of the presentation really matters and don't think about the questions which will be posted towards you. Most think about that too and due to this nervous comes in. And also create a free flow in you presentation from start till end and have the connections between the points when you go around the presentations You can always practice in front of the mirror to gain the confidence as well as to remove the stage fear.

Public Speaking

What are some methods to improve the speed in which I'm talking during presentations?

Sundar (Sundaramoorthy

Negotiation, Ecommerce and Motivational Trainer

Presentation is a skill to be developed by an individual, The content of the presentation really matters for the speed, as well as the stage fear, the speed begins with your confident about the content what you present. You can always practice in front of the mirror to gain the confidence as well as to remove the stage fear. The body language matters a lot for the presentation too.

Social Media Marketing

How can I increase marketing of our e-tutoring website by posting comments or messages on social sites, without getting banned from those sites?

Sundar (Sundaramoorthy

Negotiation, Ecommerce and Motivational Trainer

The most powerful marketing is word of mouth marketing (WOMM). At present word-of-mouth marketing seems to be an outdated, ineffective, and pretty much gone In reality, word of mouth is huge.

Online Marketplace

How much does it cost to build/maintain a website for an online marketplace?

Sundar (Sundaramoorthy

Negotiation, Ecommerce and Motivational Trainer

Hi all, apart from market place Ecommerce software promoting the same consumes lot of money. There should be a budget allotted for this before buying market place Ecommerce software

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