
Cleyton Messias

Product Manager at Trustvox


Product Manager and Founder at Trustvox. Software Developer. Entrepreneur. Product.

Recent Answers

Customer Service

What's the ideal way to offer online customer support for a B2B start-up with a web product?

Cleyton Messias

Product Manager at Trustvox

We use a stack of: - Intercom: Besides having a chat with the user, you have a lot of usage data from them. Also, you can create auto-messages. If they're done in the right way, they can be pretty personal. - HelpScout docs: for knowledge base. It's a great tool for creating content and organizing it. - Wistia: To upload videos and see how users are interacting with it - Screencast O-Matic for screencasts: sometimes you have to show things for users, so this it's the best free option out there. - For recording audios: It helps you to give more personal (if you know which language users know) - Skype and telephone: Last but not least. To really understand customer at early stage, you should talk to them and still telephone works pretty well for that :) It's a mix of tools who makes them to feel more personal :)

Customer Service

We are building our support site for our mhealth platform end users on how do we organize the content?

Cleyton Messias

Product Manager at Trustvox

I'll recommend you take a look at HelpScout blog ( and intercom blog ( They're definitely the best resources to dive into this questions :)

360 Feedback

How can a customer leave me feedback?

Cleyton Messias

Product Manager at Trustvox

It'll be cool if you have more details about it :) Are you a e-commerce, SaaS solution, service provider? For each one, there're some approaches for it. Besides, there's also the right moment to ask for it. For example: If you sell products, you can use SurveyMonkey to ask for feedback some days after the user receives the product. If you're a Saas solution, you can ask for feedback: 1-) Right after the user converts in your solution 2-) You can ask via call and ask for their permission to use. It all depends from your solution and moment for using it :)

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Product ManagementCustomer RetentionProduct DevelopmentCustomer ExperienceCustomer RelationsCustomer EngagementProcess AutomationCustomer Satisfaction