
Uladzimir Kazankou

Software Consultant / Outsourcing Expert


I am a contributor to Belitsoft blog where I focuse on analytics and best practices of Software development.

Recent Answers

Social Media

How can I take an idea for a new app and turn it into a real product?

Uladzimir Kazankou

Software Consultant / Outsourcing Expert

1. Creating an application has never being a problem. The problem is creating a successful business that can scale. Before custom application development for their startups, which later became multimillion-dollar SaaS companies, these founders used MVP approach for SaaS. 2. You are not a developer, so you should hire developers. How Much Does A Custom Software Development Cost? Do you have an idea of a web startup? Developers will start with User Stories gathering. Alongside, they will start to create the software requirement specification that will be based on User Stories but has all necessary details for the programmers. Simultaneously with it, they will start programming. Any questions?


How do I best validate an idea before approaching a company?

Uladzimir Kazankou

Software Consultant / Outsourcing Expert

They used MVP Approach Before Launching. This experiment proved to be a really effective way to survey the target market.

Software Development

Where are the best software developers, globally?

Uladzimir Kazankou

Software Consultant / Outsourcing Expert

An American information technology research and advisory company Gartner included Belarus in the TOP offshore software development locations due to "the highly skilled and cost-effective workforce". implementation

I am trying to find outsourcing firms that can provide steady software development work to my firm on commission basis. Is there a platform for this?

Uladzimir Kazankou

Software Consultant / Outsourcing Expert

You can take a look at the Eastern Europe' software development market (for example, Belarus). 1. American Gartner experts recommend to outsource software development in Belarus 2. American Business Persons Say It is a Good Idea to Outsource Software Development in Belarus 3. Working hours in the USA overlap with those in Belarus, but not in India or China

Web Design

Which technologies should I consider when building a platform similar to AirBnB, eBay, and Amazon?

Uladzimir Kazankou

Software Consultant / Outsourcing Expert

According to the “Developer Survey Results 2016”, which was conducted by STACKOVERFLOW, among over fifty thousand developers from all over the world, PHP is more widely used back-end technology compared to Node.js. In 2015, PHP 7 with new long-expected features was introduced. Possible differences in performance is already not an issue when one compares “Node.js” technology with “PHP” technology. From the scalability perspective, there are no big differences between PHP and Node.js, it is more important to consider the project’s architecture. In general,it is a good idea not to oppose them, but use them cooperatively.

Mobile applications

What is the best technology for developing a new mobile app from scratch?

Uladzimir Kazankou

Software Consultant / Outsourcing Expert

You can use Laravel for mobile apps. Build your Api with Laravel or Lumen

Zend Framework

Should I use Zend Framework 2 as the framework for my subscription ecommerce site?

Uladzimir Kazankou

Software Consultant / Outsourcing Expert

You just missed about Laravel. Laravel php framework is the widely used in all over the world.

Web Design

Should I create a WordPress site or build a custom website?

Uladzimir Kazankou

Software Consultant / Outsourcing Expert

In fact, there exists just one case where using WordPress is deemed a good business decision: if it meets the software requirement specification of a given web project. Generally speaking, WordPress is usually the no.1 choice if the project falls under the category of content-based portals such as blogs/newspapers. When making a decision on the use of WordPress, security vulnerabilities of the WordPress core and plugin should be considered. At the same time, most of the themes and plug-ins as well as the core of WordPress are not fully compatible with PHP 7. Moving WordPress website from PHP 5 to PHP 7 can as such break the website. There are limits of customization that come with any system built with WordPress CMS. If the WordPress-based project grows (more registered users, more operations per second, etc.), at some point there is no choice but to re-create it with a framework (such as Laravel) or (if it is possible) to migrate the website to the Laravel framework. More details are here: If you want to talk more about the best solution for your project, I'd be happy to talk with you.

Website Development

Where do you go for outsourcing website development and what do you look for when selecting the right one?

Uladzimir Kazankou

Software Consultant / Outsourcing Expert

1. Choose the location (Gartner reveals TOP 30 locations for offshore software development services, including Belarus (Eastern Europe)). 2. Find reviews about this services at Clutch 3. Most vendors will have a portfolio you can check out to see examples of their past work. 4. Your vendors should also have a list of satisfied past clients that can vouch for the quality and dependability of their service. So, you can take a look at the offshore software development company Belitsoft from Minsk (Belarus)

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