I formed Comtrac after a 22 year career with the Qld Police Service working as a Detective for Criminal Investigation Branches and Major Crime squads. One of the biggest pressures on investigators (whether police or regulatory agency investigators) is building and delivering the brief of evidence for prosecution so that proceedings can commence. In Australia alone $16.4B is spent on investigations across law enforcement and regulatory investigations. However 62-84% of prosecutions don't start on time due to delayed brief of evidence. Comtrac was created so that briefs of evidence were automatically build as the investigation progresses so that the brief of evidence is ready to be delivered to the prosecutor at the click of a button. We are a young company but experiencing an average 75% YoY growth since 2017 with a current ARR of 3.7M. My goal for Comtrac is make it the industry standard for digital briefs of evidence and streamline the criminal justice process globally.
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Have you seen those prosecutors walking into court with trolleys of ring binders containing the brief of evidence that took weeks or months to put together. Well that’s not us. Comtrac automatically builds a digital brief of evidence “as the investigation progresses” through an innovation called Elementising Evidence. 35 client agencies and over 300,000 completed briefs of evidence … and counting
Brisbane, qld, australia
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1m - 5m