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I Wrote a TOTALLY UNECESSARY 88-Page Business Plan (ChatGPT Saved My Life)

This is a win. Here's the TLDR:

I'm helping a software startup secure $100M in SEED funding (we can talk about how a seed stage gets so big, but let's just say the business model warrants it).  However, the financier needed a business plan for their banking compliance.

Business plans are completely useless in startups. Things change too fast. But due diligence is due diligence.

So, writing a business plan for bankers is way different than for an FFA investor. VCs won't read business plans either.

I have no time for this.

So ChatGPT to the rescue.

How did I do it?

Step 1: Prompt ChatGPT everything you know (all background information and plans to date).

Step 2: Prompt ChatGPT to recommend the outline.

Step 3: Adjust the outline and feed it back to ChatGPT.

Step 4: Prompt ChatGPT to write each section at a time.

Step 5: Adjust each section then prompt ChatGPT your changes.

Step 6: Prompt ChatGPT to rewrite as needed.

I even prompted ChatGPT with my financial assumptions, and it did my projections! Well, at least a version of it. But projections for a startup are just assumptions anyway.

Did I cheat? Probably, but it depends on your perspective. Hey,  a win is a win in this situation. Give it a shot if you're in this situation.

Ed Kangposted 10 months ago

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