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Share a Win

What was your W this week? Any L's?

Who has a WIN they want to share? Or how about being transparent with some losses (big or little L's)?

Let's keep a running list to celebrate even the little victories and support each other through the speedbumps. Acceleratorposted a year ago

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Brenton Demko

Definitely had more W's.   Started a new fundraising effort, met with a potential client wanting us to partner with a HOF baseball pitcher, handful of meetings with potential IP partners.   All were people reaching out to us.   Felt good that some have recognized our social media stuff and seen opportunity.  

Minor "L" with someone casting doubt on partnering with us, but...  this won't stay in the L column long.  

Replya year ago

Jacob Dyke

I had a first meeting with a potential client back in May. I have been slowing providing value and keeping in touch with them through the Summer and they asked for a meeting next week. Feels good to move this company from the follow up column in asana to meeting set.

My L for the week was a break of trust with someone I'm very close with. Within that is an opportunity to walk through forgiveness and build back a stronger relationship moving forward. (not easy but worth it in this case)

Ed Kang

A lot of W's this week. I'm on the road visiting founders and launching projects from the 14th to the 30th, and it has gone smashingly. I'll provide more of an update when I get back. We've taken a lot of videos. I also picked up an amazing member of the team, which sort of fell into my lap. Love it when that happens.

I did have an L regarding a hiccup with my son, who is working for me. I don't think that's going to work out but I'm letting things cool down and will deal with it when I get back.

Have a great weekend everyone!