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Share a Win

Just make a few users LOVE you and the traction takes care of itself!

I have a win to share. We helped launch an MVP to solve the problem of professional isolation. We started with a very focused professional community.

We worked with three key stakeholders for months to prepare for the product launch.

Then, we did a soft launch called a "pre-launch discussion," where we invited more potential users. We got 10 people.

Then, after continual iteration, it was time for a beta launch. And now we have 55 registrations and counting!

Take a look. We went from 3 to 10 and then 55. Now that's growth! It was more than we expected, and I told the team I was surprised, excited, and a little nervous that the product would break. But then I reminded myself that this is how product-market fit is supposed to feel.  We're not at PMF yet, but the signs are there when users come running because they're so happy you're solving a problem. Now, it boils down to delivering on the experience.

The moral of this story is that you would rather have a small handful of users who love you than hundreds who only know about you.

Be encouraged, and keep it up! You'll get there.

Ed Kangposted 6 months ago

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Alex Brana

Thanks for the share Ed. Its a really helpful roadmap and encouraging to see how relatively small numbers can be strong indicators.

By the way Leigh Steinberg who is one of the biggest sports agents (and on my wish list of target connections) just posted a video on LI about professional isolation. Just thought Id share as it seems timely and apropos

Reply6 months ago


you mean, follow the yellow brick road?