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An Angel Investor Asked Me to Be in His Book (Here's What I Wrote)

One of the best angel investors I've ever worked with has asked me to contribute a chapter to his book. I was honored, especially considering that he lost money. I think it says a lot when an investor maintains relationship with you even if the venture is unsuccessful. Here's what I sent in:

To this day, I fondly recount my journey with Grayson to fellow founders and entrepreneurs. In the realm of angel investors, Grayson was indeed an angel, not just financially but in his profound impact on my success. My heart carries a twinge of regret that I couldn't yield a return for him, but my gratitude towards Grayson and his family is boundless.

Our endeavor, revCLICK, a budding web marketing initiative during the dawn of Web 2.0, stumbled due to my oversight and inadequate planning. The potential was evident, with a ripe market, demand, and the expertise I gained from working in the previous dotcom bubble. Yet, I naively overlooked the complexities of entrepreneurship, failing to see that it demanded more than sole passion, a brilliant idea, and technical know-how. I became overwhelmed with the intricacies of monetization and lacked the finesse to effectively liaise with Grayson, my sole board member, essentially failing to seek his guidance.

For Grayson and others reading this, it brings some comfort to know that my journey as a serial entrepreneur has been filled with even more challenging lessons, with the stakes and losses magnified exponentially (more zeroes and commas). I vividly recall the day my wife and I sat in Grayson's office, where he (the first person I ever saw use a yoga ball for a chair) defined the terms and nuances of our business partnership. His pragmatic kindness intrigued me, leading me to delve deeper into understanding his life, his role as a devoted husband, and his leadership in his family, church, and the wider business community. Grayson instilled in me a belief that there's a path different from those entrepreneurs who compromise their values for materialistic gains. Inspired by Grayson's example, I've made it my mission to nurture every relationship with the same care and respect.

In moments of reflection, I often ponder what I could've done differently. The answer is clear: I would've collaborated more closely with Grayson, not merely as an investor but as a partner. While I wouldn't have involved him in the day-to-day operations, I would've sought his insights more frequently, tapping into the reservoir of wisdom that many have benefited from over the years. I would've prioritized launching our product quickly, iterating through continuous improvement cycles over prolonged R&D, and adopting the lean startup methodology I've since embraced. Grayson would've been an integral part of every decision.

Today, my mission is to give back. I imagine Grayson's amusement knowing how often I've supported budding entrepreneurs who mirror my younger self. And, in a testament to the generosity he showed me, I occasionally invest without the expectation of any returns—paying it forward as best I can.

Grayson, my heartfelt thanks to you.

Ed Kang

Oct. 8, 2023

Ed Kangposted a year ago

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Tony Teshara

Always love the candor you provide, Ed.

Replya year ago