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My Health Update Coming Back Soon!

Hello Founders!

Many of you have been asking about my recent absence. Many of you know about my recent health challenges, and I've appreciated your encouragement and compassion. I am well enough to start putting out some positive updates.

I've been battling a series of chest infections and flu-like issues for the past ten or so weeks. I never get to 100%, and when I think I am better, I get the flu again. I had Covid as well for one round as I lost taste and smell (some foods still taste rotten). My latest round was bronchitis, which was treated with a round of steroids and antibiotics.

But the real culprit is burnout. I'm not giving my body enough time to recover.

Thankfully, I have an amazing team here at, and they've given me the support and time needed to get back into fighting shape. I've been taking advantage of this support and starting to adjust my life accordingly.

I've also lost 20 lbs and plan to keep going!

There's the update. I hope to be back in full swing next week. In the meantime, I've been advising by email and Slack, so please feel free to contact me if you need anything.

Ed Kangposted a month ago

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Kirsten Barrie

What? Sheesh! Glad you are on the mend @

Replya month ago

1 Replies

Rodney Woods


Thanks for the update. I’m really glad to hear you’re on the mend.  Looking forward to having you back!



Greg Cohen

Sorry to hear all the challenges. health, community, and purpose.  Good to see you rebalancing.  Wishing you a continued recovery.

Brenda Dalzell

Wow Ed, quite a health saga.   Covid alone can take some, especially for those already compromised, quite some time to recover from.   Treat yourself gently and do not hurry back.   Your can support your team from afar and you can recover - take care of you!   So glad you are in recovery mode - the other modes just suck!

Tony Teshara

I'm glad you are on the mend, Ed. Forget this community, this planet is better off with you on it. Rest up.

Vanessa Roberts

Rest heals! I was just thinking about you today and hoping you were on your way for full recovery. We'll be here when you get back to action and in the meantime, please tap on us to help you out.  It takes a village :)

Kerry Gordon

Glad you are on the mend!  Hope you take the time you need and look forward to seeing you again soon.