

Please comment on my Problem Statement

getting ready for our investor outreach, I want to get some comments on our problem statement.  Is it clear enough? big enough? exciting enough?

  1. Americans spend $300 Billion shopping on mobile with no data privacy, lack of personalization and being subjected to targeted advertising  

2.  80% of Americans shopping online are concerned about data privacy causing brands to lose identity, and trust and waste $6 Billion annually due to wrong targeting

Mani Subrahmanyamasked a year ago
Dr Medha Durge
Reply6 months ago

1 Replies

For problem statement 1, I don't see the pain. Yes I get the market is big at $300 billion, but why is lack of personalization and targeted advertising such a problem?

For statement 2, who is wasting $6 billion? Shoppers of the businesses trying to sell to them? I think it's probably a business right? If businesses are wasting $6 billion in wrong targeting, why?

Both problem statements are not clear. I get an idea of what you're going for, but an investor won't do the work to think that hard about it. Try to make it more upfront with clarity of the severity of the pain points and why they are occuring.

Also, these days, generic problem statements of entire industries are not as impactful. If you're going to solve a massive general market like targeted advertising, you better be ready to show a truly novel insight investors have not seen or a hundred other competitors are out there already solving.

Hope that helps. Keep tweaking.

1 Replies

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