Hi everyone,
I need some advice on whether strong traction alone is enough for a pre-seed startup like InfoNext Solution, or if it's better to have a few initial customers before seeking investment. Our platform is ready, and we've validated our market, but we're unsure if having early customer adoption would make us more attractive to investors. The challenge with getting customers is that we'd need to officially form our company and cover the related costs and legal work, which is tough at this stage. On the other hand, building traction doesn't require those steps. Also, any tips on how to build and show strong traction would be really helpful. What key metrics or milestones should we focus on to impress investors?
Thanks for your help!
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The more traction, the better. Customers are traction. Traction is anything that de-risks the investment and shows that customers actually like your product (even if it's not done) and you are on your way to product-market fit. If you don't have customers, then you can show things like early sign-ups or letters of intent. Always better to have customers. You don't even have to be making money directly from your product. Some companies consult first.
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