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Hello fellow founders!
I’m Jake and I’m building the world’s first fitness tracker for our mind.
Every felt “stuck in the rut”? Brain fog? Stress? Burnout? Writers’ block?
Have a huge, important project due but can’t pull yourself together?
Unlike Apple Watch / FitBit which focus on your physical fitness - Eden focus on your mental fitness
Understand how mindful / stressful / relaxed / focus / “in the zone” are you in real time.
Gain access to highly personalised, real time advice to maximise your performance while avoiding burnout
Gain access to your mental energy in clear % in real time.
Gain access to “Remote control of your mind” - ability to shift your state of mind immediately, on command.
We already have a working prototype - check it out here:
I need your feedback as I am looking for smart and talented people to build and refine this product together.
I invite you to join me on this once in a lifetime journey of discovering, quantifying and elevating human consciousness level.
Please send me a message if you resonate with my mission. Alternatively you can signup on our website on the link above :)
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