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LinkedIn Posting Party Invitation & Tracker 08.21.24

This tracker is for today's LinkedIn Posting Party calendar event.

Please read the directions carefully. You must come with your post ready to publish (wait to publish during or just before the meeting to preserve your 2-hour window for the party). If you are not ready, join us next week or attend our monthly workshop on preparing for the LinkedIn parties.

Instructions during the party:

• Put a link to your post in the "join the conversation" discussion below.

• Scroll through the discussion thread and click on the posts.

• Following the accounts is optional.

• Leave a thumbs up and a thoughtful and relevant comment (15 words minimum recommended).

• Let them know by replying "done" to their thread here.

• Reply to comments on your posts and give them a thumbs up as you get them.

• All must be done within 2 hours. We will do the first hour together but encourage you to continue afterward. The more you do it, the better the results.

• IMPORTANT: Members who do not trade comments and likes will be warned once and suspended from future parties after another infraction. Acceleratorposted a month ago

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Girish Kotte

Reply25 days ago

Joshua Agonya

1 Replies

Mary Rumyantzeva

Hey! I have no idea what happened to my post—seems like it was removed or maybe it was just a glitch. Anyway, I reposted it. Thank you for your support!

Jay Miller

Good morning all. I've been buried with a couple of new clients, so did not take time to create a post this week. However, I will be commenting on yours. Also, wanted to remind you that we now have a LinkedIn Slack channel. I have shared a few tidbits there already, including an upcoming LinkedIn Masterclass happening next week with a guy named Adam Houlahan. The Masterclass is free, so grab a spot if there are still any available…! If you have any questions, hit me up on Slack, and please tag me, ensuing that I don't miss it. Thx...!

1 Replies