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Confidentiality Agreements (NDA): Should I Use Them with Investors?

Investors typically don’t sign confidentiality agreements (NDAs) before reviewing a pitch deck because they see hundreds of opportunities and need the flexibility to evaluate ideas without legal complications.  Our advisors here don't sign them either as a policy.

Investors are not looking to steal ideas; they’re looking for execution and trust in the team. Asking for an NDA too early can signal inexperience and create friction.

However, once an investor expresses serious interest and requests due diligence, asking for confidentiality on sensitive details like financials, technology, or intellectual property is more appropriate. As a founder, you should focus on building trust and credibility before the NDA stage and only introduce it when the relationship deepens. The same goes for the advisors here that want to work with you! Acceleratorposted 11 days ago

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