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Hi-5 FRIDAY: What Victory did You Achieve this Week? (End of Week July 14, 23)

Hey all! Who should get a high five? What did you accomplish this week? Acceleratorposted a year ago

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Arty Starr

I got all the slides put together this week for an upcoming talk!  I'm proud of myself, worked super hard, and I think the talk will be exceptional. :)

Replya year ago

1 Replies

Ed Kang

High fives to that closed $100K FFA investment this week! I know it's FFA, but it's a start to so much more! AND, high fives to you for taking the challenge of iterating your business model. You're a startup founder!

1 Replies

Ed Kang

I figured out that we could move our University to another state, save 5 years and about 75% of our accreditation budget! But now I have to open an office in Utah. Oh well.

Kathryn Dougherty

I was able to accelerate a lot of work into a much shorter period before an upcoming vacation next week - so clients are ahead of typical schedule, ensuring good client service while i'm off, and also moving up the date for opening capacity for new projects I'm excited to dig into!