

Star Light, Star Bright

  1. Here's my wish – for myself as well as anyone on the forefront of change who genuinely has something to offer: My wish is to lead by example. THAT seems simple enough,  right? But I guarantee you, if you're in a position of power - no matter if your a Dunkin Donuts manager or a fortune 500 CEO -- if you wield power, 9 times out of 10 you're likely following someone else's lead. And when this happens, your own ideas become less and less critical –– and if power is your game, well get ready to sacrifice those ideas and pay homage to power structures.  So, I realize, getting my wish means one day in a leadership position I will need solutions for problems that are virtually impossible for me to anticipate in the present. And to do this means it is far, far more important that I cultivate my own ideas, as well as value yours, no matter what. AVANTI!

MARK MERRILLposted 7 months ago

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