Pricing Strategy
We have been studying justin Wilcox marketing messaging testing and pricing testing messaging strategy, we wanted to consider whether we could test pricing with two seperate prices of the app in the App Store. Our FB campaigns link directly to app purchase, so we'd prefer to test this way rather than paypal on our site. Our target group is iOS users, 40-50k income, app purchase in last 30 days + fitness interest Has anyone done this rather than the traditional google lean Adwords to site/landing page/unbounce method?
Pricing ninja. B2B, B2C, C2C.
There are quite a few issues multiplying apps on the app store itself. So I'd save that for a time when you have some very precise discovery to do.
My recommended growth hack strictly for a short-term test is to price the app on the store at the lowest figure you want to test, while naming a range of prices in the FB ad set.
Your data is going to come from the FB ad clicks, and conversions in the app store are going to be unreliable as whatever price was shown on the ad, the user is going to see the fixed price.
This method lets you test multiple prices very easily, and if your budget allows for a reasonable volume you can even do a little covariant analysis to estimate the value of top features.
Answered almost 11 years ago
Clarity Expert
Testing is always the key to understanding what works. With apps it can be more difficult than with standard web pages. I have checked out Splitforce before They are a smart group of people and know what they are doing. And I don't get anything for you checking them out - just passing this along.
Answered almost 11 years ago
Founder of Ghost Machine, Tiny Utopia
The short answer is, you can't. Unless one of the versions price is free, which is what a majority of apps are. Any pricing difference is going to alienate a certain percentages of customers.
Think of alternative ways that you might accomplish the same goal, which is to get the highest price for your product. Release lite versions which have different features and use analytics to track which convert better. Another solution would be to add the features as in app purchases, and let the marketplace decide which they prefer.
Answered almost 11 years ago