What is the best approach to find and connect with the right experts? I've got questions regarding the different approaches used by custom operating systems including STEAM OS, Xbox One and others and how each goes about installing / uninstalling native programs/components quickly on and off of a user's device.
Serial tech entrepreneur. Former CEO of vWorker.
The best way would be to hire an expert on oDesk, etc. which is fairly cheap and also reliable. But It sounds like you want to go even cheaper than that. Try posting on StackExchange, which is free. Another cheap option is to check local tech gatherings in your area and ask some experts directly for free advice. Good luck!
Answered over 10 years ago
Blogging, Social Media, StartUps, Pittsburgh
I am also a non technical entrepreneur. I have used Quora to research technical topics. Often many of the questions that I have are already on the site. And I've asked questions on Quora and received some very helpful answers from other Quora users.
Answered over 10 years ago
Investor, Entrepreneur & Ai nerd.
I've hired a bunch of experts on Elance and oDesk. Just create a submission and guess what you think the qualifications are. Once you have responses you can see reviews from people before hiring them. You could also send messages before hiring them.
Answered over 10 years ago
Founder of Ghost Machine, Tiny Utopia
Each of the devices have radically different technical implementations and user bases, so I would try to identify advisors or companies with products and experience in those marketplaces. Try to clearify what your primary goals and objectives are in advance of pursuing professional advice and you will be able isolate what aspects of that individual platform that you will need to solve. Like others have mentioned, Odesk and this site are useful resources, additionally you can try reaching out to developers directly or join developer forums on services like steam. Some services such as Microsofts' may have non-disclosure agreements in place with working developers, so you may be required to approach them as a paying client to get the information your are seeking.
Answered about 10 years ago