


Can anyone shed light on some business models for photography?

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Craig Morrison

Product Designer


Set up some sort of online, or even better, night course at a local college.

Charge for it.

By teaching, you set yourself up as an authority on the subject. The more you teach, the more people see you as the person who knows those most on the subject.

What you'll get out of it is more business referrals and more clients.

Seems weird, and most people will say "you'll be training your competition!" but in fact, you won't.

Just because you teach someone how to use a camera, it doesn't turn them into a professional photographer, but it does form a relationship of trust and knowledge between you and boatloads of potential clients.

Answered over 10 years ago

Sean Goldsmith

International Franchise Facilitator

One that my wife likes taking advantage of... and which makes the photographers a huge load of money is the following.

Groupon/Living social £20 deals for a photo shoot and a single photo. When you get there you are shown some "upgraded options" you can choose from.

Once the shoot is done you have to book an appointment to come back to choose your free photo (this has to be in person and cannot be online). When you are there they put you in a theatre of sorts, dim the lights and put on some emotional "city of angels" type music, show you a slideshow of photos and then say "which one of these beautiful photos would you like".

Let me tell you. This is a powerful business model that can make a ton of cash if done right.

Answered over 10 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Let us look at the following photography business models:
1. “Shoot and Burn” Photography Business Model: You’re shooting a lot of sessions at low prices and giving your clients a thumb drive of their digital images or putting them up on a gallery to download the digital files. You are charging few hundred dollars for your services and most of your clients never order any prints or products from you because they the digital files are what they want. You get little fulfilment from your work or your relationships with your clients because you are too busy to pour into them.
2. Boutique Photography Business Model: On the other side of the fence is the boutique photography business model. This is where you are taking on fewer clients, but you are extremely high touch with your clients. They receive an exceptional experience throughout the entire process as you create heirloom quality artwork for the walls of their homes. Walmart prides itself on being the low-price leader. You can get pretty much everything and then some at Walmart. Their products are not bad quality either. There just isn’t a lot of product options to choose from and you’re not going to be getting help from someone knowledgeable about that product and it’s always a race to get in and out of the store in the fastest time possible. Now let us say you want to buy a mountain bike. You can always go to Walmart because they carry bikes. If you are not picky about what kind of bike you take home, then that might work for you, but do not expect much more.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered over 4 years ago