UX Design
We'd like your opinion. Our startup seeks a very talented UX designer. But so far, we've been cold recruiting through ux job boards, connecting on LinkedIN, and it's to to good. Where would you go to work/hang out if you were a very talented ux designer? Google? Thanks.
Tech entrepreneur.
Have you tried attending local UX networking events and rubbing elbows? Websites like meetup.com are a good place to identify these events.
Best of luck!
Answered about 10 years ago
Small Business Consultant, entrepreneur
First of all I don't want the unemployed UX designer I want the best one working either in a competing company or similar field so I already know his track record. A couple of sources for freelance UX designers would be www.guru.com www.elance.com odesk.com (who's changing their name to upwork which is the biggest one and they also bought elance but has kept them as a separate companies). Please give me some good feed back and call me if you need me further, thanks...Ken Queen
Answered almost 10 years ago
UX Consultant, Simple Common Sense Approach
I'm a UX designer. I have very limited time and won't accept any jobs. I'd be usually hanging out on twitter or Linkedin.
Answered about 9 years ago