


What are the issues/challenges that come up in one on one mentoring process, issues which can be rectified for a smooth process?

Problems that come up in a one on one mentoring process

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Humberto Valle

Get Advice On Growing Your Real Estate Business

There's a lot that can go wrong. Often times issues are due to either trust or ego. If you are savvy enough in your topic trust issues and even ego issues on behalf of the mentee can be 'rectified'.

Answered over 9 years ago

Phylecia Jones

Land Speaking Gigs to Market Brand & Make Money

Not sure if this a mentoring program for a company or if you are starting a business as a coach/mentor for hire. In my experience, you have to ask GREAT questions and then listen, listen, listen. When working 1-on-1, we (the coach), typically have an agenda or program we want to follow, but one size never fits all.

#1 Come up with some leading and probing questions that will get your mentee to talk. No single answer questions allowed.
#2 Learn to be a good listener and pick up on clues on what they are saying to guide you to the next topic of discussion.
#3 Repeat back what you heard them say and ask "is this what you are saying?"
# If you are a coach, give them assurance that you can help them or be honest and say that you cannot.

When I started coaching, I learned that being a good listener is a skill, and it is what will make a mentoring program go smoothly. Remember, it is not about you, it is all about them!

If you need more guidance or some good questions to ask your mentees, please feel free to call!

Answered over 9 years ago

Steve Wilfong

Clarity Expert

I have often use mentorship as a formal process for on-boarding new staff. There is a lot that can go wrong in a mentoring relationship. Some of the more common ones are: mentors who don't want to be mentors; abuse of power by the mentor; a true mismatch between the mentor and mentee; and unclear expectations for both.

It is very important to have an actual written plan for the mentoring process and that both participants have a clear understanding of that plan. The plan should include some measurable goals/competencies outlined for the mentee and defined expectations for the mentor.

Periodic meetings with both mentor/mentee by their manager should occur. These should be fairly frequent early in the process and then can be stretched out as the process progress. This will also depend on whether this relationship is short-term (such as during an orientation period) or on-going.

More than happy to schedule a call to discuss further.

Answered over 9 years ago

Colin McGuire

Clarity's Top Customer Acquisition Expert

I used to run a team of 35+ individual branch managers that ran their own branch of the company. I did all of the 1on1 mentoring to coach them through the process. I would get a ton of pushback because they would go months without making any money and working about 65 hour weeks. It was my 1on1 mentoring with them (over the phone) that got them to push through to the end. That year we did about $2 million in sales from $0 the previous year.

Instead of focusing on the business gobbldygook, I would focus on helping them break through the mental barriers of their problems. I did this by getting them to show themselves that their problems were only really problems because they hadn't solved them yet.

I got tremendous pushback from 35 over worked and under paid business owners that eventually make a ton of money once they reached the end.

Schedule a call with me and I will give you actionable phrases and strategies that will help your mentees break through the mental barriers that are holding them back and give you the best strategy to answering their lash backs when they give you resistance.

If you don't think the call is worth it, I'll refund your money. No questions asked at all. I'll also give you free email support so you can reach out to me and ask questions as you have them. I'll be sure you have an actionable plan. Look at my reviews.

Shoot me a message.

Answered over 9 years ago