

Career Advising

How can a young candidate prove himself as a perfect fit for an executive position that requires years of experience?

I'm in the final stages of an interview for a regional manager position. I've done everything right but their concern is that I'm young in age and lack executive experience. They told me to wait for a week while they scan other candidates, and If they can't find someone with +5 years of experience they would take a chance on me. What should I do during this week to prove I'm up to the managerial position?

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Heather Wilde

CTO, Coach, Geek & Principaled Capitalist

There are a few key traits that people look for in a manager, and the reason an employer asks for experience is to try to ensure that the candidate has honed them.

Those are:

"Big picture" thinking - you need to be able to detach yourself from the details and see the overall aim of your project. Someone with this skill will be more likely to understand when seemingly wacky decisions are made by corporate.

Resourcefulness - Budget cuts? Employees got the plague when you have a deadline? Thats not a problem for an experienced manager.

Overcoming objections - Everyone giving you excuses? Dragging out contracts? You can sail through this one with ease with the proper training.

Resource allocation - Are you putting the right assets in the right places? Are you hiring the right people? Are you giving preferred treatment? The more Experienced you are, the less Likely you will fall into this trap.

I am happy to go over your work history, resume and any experience you have had to help you find a way to overcome their objections - I am a CTO with a Liberal Arts degree, so I am a master at this.

Answered over 9 years ago

Peter Urey

Find Your Path - Career Coaching

This is not easy but the principle is to ask them questions about why the five years of experience made its way into the job search criteria.

Either there is a very good reason for this which will almost certainly be based on a fear which they think they can mitigate by putting the stipulation in place. Your job is to then ask questions about that fear and try to "close" on you as a total package being able to settle all those fears.

Alternatively they might just be asking about the 5 years because they thought tit was a good idea some time ago but it's lost its relevance today in which case you can steer around the objection.

You might find more help here -

Good luck.

Keep poking around the fears they have which are behind the job specification and prove that you can take them away. Ask them to question their own assumptions, perhaps using examples in their total experience, where the rookie outperformed the old hand.....use your own examples as a motivating metaphor.

In the final analysis, if they have good reasons then they protected you from failing in a job that was not right for you.

Answered over 9 years ago

Rochelle Veturis

Public Relations and New Media Strategist

I would show up and communicate how extremely teachable you are - be honest about the fact that yes, you are young, but it's a benefit to them because they can teach and train you exactly how they want to. And since you're young you haven't picked up any habits that cannot be broken - and you're not set in your ways, you are moldable and willing to be flexible. Since the ball is in their court at present, have you followed up with a hand-written thank you card? This would be a perfect place to communicate all of the above - but before you do that, thank them for their time, for giving you the opportunity to interview, mention a couple of details about what makes the company such an ideal place to work, or such a team-oriented, conducive work environment, or how great the people are (note specifics), etc. :-)

Answered over 9 years ago

Kaitlin Greene

Recruiting Expert and Leadership Coach

Congratulations on making it this far in the process. If this is what you believe is truly the right fit for you, continue to pursue them while you wait out the 5 days. Politely, but assertively, reach out to let them know you are still here, interested, and ready.

I also think your age and in their words "inexperience" could be an opportunity for you to play up you energy and coach-ability. The most attractive trait I like in a leader is the ability to be coachable. If you can show them that you have the energy to learn the things you might lack quickly, because you are coachable and willing to take feedback, you might win them over. Being coachable means proactively asking for feedback, then quickly implementing what you've heard, which with you fire for the job, should be no problem.

Hope it goes well!

Answered almost 7 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Nothing much, just prepare yourself for the question: ‘Why are you best candidate for the position?’
This question will be asked to you, as an HR myself I have asked this question several times to several candidates. Employers create a job opportunity or role within their company, to indicate that they are looking for someone who can solve a particular problem. As such, most hiring managers use a variety of questions to determine if a candidate is the best fit to solve that problem. Every new hire can pose a risk for the company and the hiring manager as well.
Therefore, the hiring manager must ensure that the candidate selected is not a liability but an asset for the company. Well, the main aim is to ensure that the company gets the best candidate for the job. The company is looking for an above average candidate, the most qualified among all the applicants. Therefore, the interviewer wants to know why it would be better to hire you and not any other candidate and assess that you as the candidate are aware of what the company is looking for.
Use the information on the job description to understand the role expectations, the skill sets, and how they align to your career goals. In such cases, your objective is to prove to the hiring manager why you are a valuable candidate for the job. Therefore, when making your pitch illustrate what you have to offer the company and how it will be relevant to the role.
To start, thoroughly go through the job description to understand what the company is looking for, precisely. Re-examine your resume, your past experiences and your skills set. In the final step, review how your qualifications make you the best candidate for the role and tailor an answer that illustrates this aspect based on the steps above. Highlight specific traits in your personality or relevant skills that make you the best candidate for the role.
In most work environments, you are expected to establish a certain relationship with your colleagues to facilitate the workflow, in this case, your education or experience don’t apply, your traits determine how you’ll interact with others and create an efficient working environment. Personality plays a vital role in the job performance of everyone. However, not every personality trait is relevant to the job. Therefore, it is important that you know the relevant personality type and how it will help you achieve the duties of the role.
If it can contribute to your success in the role, mention the specific traits and skills that are unique to you and will make you succeed. I look forward to contributing my skills and experiences to your organization if given the opportunity. I am confident that I will thrive in this position, seeing that I have all the skills that you are looking for. Apart from my impeccable track record as the leading sales and marketing agent in the district, my flawless communication and interpersonal skills are precisely what your company needs to achieve its marketing advantage.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered almost 4 years ago