Book Publishing
My makeup books are selling well on ebay and I've had many requests to purchase from overseas (U.S, Spain, Europe) however, posting just one book will cost up to $25, not including signature tracking. How can I sell these books globally without hurting my clients pockets on postage?
Visionary, Strategic, Clear Thinker: Doer!
Have you considered providing the book in electronic format. If somebody wants the book and are willing to pay the shipping fee, they get the paper copy, otherwise, it's a download.
Answered over 9 years ago
Think Like a BookPreneur!
Open an account with Ingram Spark to make your book available for worldwide distribution. They have over 90 printing facilities globally, so the customer will pay for shipping based on the location closest to them. They will be able to order your book directly from Amazon or Barnes & Noble websites for the paperback version, and the ebook will also be available on these outlets and about 60 others including iTunes and Nook.
Answered over 9 years ago
Business & Marketing Success Consultant & Coach
Find a seller in the US and other countries. Sell the rights to them. Think profit margins not revenue.
Best of Luck,
From the Trenches to the Towers Marketing
I will be glad to help as my time permits.
Answered over 9 years ago