

Social Media Marketing

What are some social media strategies for Naver?

I need to connect with experts who know how to navigate the South Korean social media space—mainly Naver. I have clients who need to market on Naver especially. I speak Korean and can navigate a lot of it, but need chat with experts who follow the trends, strategies, and "hacks" for Naver.

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Brandon Herrera

Clarity Expert


Thought I was just give you some quick insight on Social media marketing just in general.

So the good thing about social media marketing is that. All the hacks and tips generally are universal no matter the location.

Here’s some things you want to do to stand out :

1.) Creat ATTENTION. You want people to be attracted to your brand or your “advertisement”. You have got to be different. Since you are new, you want to grab peoples attention. Weather that’s the colors you use, the ad text you use, the emotional ad whatever.
Make sure it grabs attention.
2.) be on all social media platforms.
You want to be on Twitter, instagram, Facebook, google, YouTube.
Not necessarily because you use all of them. But just to show more credibility for the brand. You want people to know you’rs Just as legit as apple or Samsung.

3.) lastly, it doesn’t matter what market you’re in. You’ll never know what really works until you get out there and try. Yes these tips are universal
But you can’t expect to watch a lot of soccer and automatically be Messi. You gotta practice. Get a good feel for what people respond to well. And what doesn’t respond well, etc.

If you are interested in more I can for sure schedule some type of call Witt you to help you out bud

Answered over 6 years ago

Jeff Gibbard

Strategist. Speaker. Coach. Leadership Expert.

Let me start off by saying that I have never used Naver. However, after more than a decade of using every new social media bright shiny object that has come out, I can tell you with a high degree of certainty that virtually all social media strategies are the roughly the same.

After some brief research on the features available on Naver it appears as though it is a combination of search engine, Q&A, and private messaging. There maybe other features but the point remains the same there are functionally five strategies for social media that work across every platform.

1. Create Content. Amplify with ads.
2. Engage people directly
3. Reach new audiences through intermediaries
4. Analyze your data to make better business decisions
5. Use social media as a (mostly) qualitative research tool for marketing and sales decision making

Hacks are short-lived and unpredictable. However, understand that the best hacks rely on the ability to provide a combination of attention, affinity (likability) and value (information, entertainment or infotainment). There's value in that understanding because those three elements are the primary factors in your ability to success beyond average results.

At the end of the day, every platform is made up of people interacting with other people and include a mix of 5 available activities: Listening, Content, Engagement, Promotion, Measurement.

More on that here:

Let me know if you'd like to discuss this further on Clarity.

Answered about 6 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

In his book ‘GOOD STRATEGY /BAD STRATEGY, writer Richard Rumelt speaks the following points regarding strategies. These are as follows:
1. Your business gets a natural advantage the moment you have good strategies, and this is because your rivals don’t expect you to have one.
2. By focusing on a few particular products, Steve Jobs was able to give Apple a strategy and focal point and made them into one of the biggest companies in the world
3. Power can be discovered when you look at things from a different perspective other than orthodox way
4. Detecting a bad strategy massively increases your chances of turning it into a good strategy.
5. A good strategy needs focus, dedication, and determination.
6. The power of thought cannot be imposed to form presentable results
7. Having leverage means you know where, when, and how to apply the required force.
8. A business organization must know when to be weak and when to be strong
9. When you set a target, always ensure that you have enough resources to meet that target.
10. To build proximate objectives, you should create options and take a stand on what is best
11. The moment you can identify and eliminate limiting factors, you have a bigger chance at being phenomenally successful
12. Designs are components of strategies used to create and eliminate problems
13. Producers must find out what appeals to the customer and how best to make the product look marketable to the end-users
14. Having a focus makes it possible to build a brand that would be distinctive and unique to customers.
15. Healthy growth is not as a result of big mergers or expansion; it comes from successful innovation, cleverness and efficiency
16. A business must know how to detect weakness and build advantages around it.
17. To own competitive advantage, your product has to be unique in such a way that it would be very difficult and almost impossible to be recreated by competitors.
18. To find higher ground in business, you must create one yourself through pure innovation.
19. Taking advantage of the wave of change is using dynamics to operate at a higher level, where it would be easier to defeat your opponents
20. Lack of future term plans and the lack of foresight to predict the outcome of a change is detrimental to the growth of any business
21. A good strategic position involves knowing when to strike and knowing how to prevent being struck.
22. Good strategy thrives on hoarded information that can be beneficial to your company
23. Business is a risk, and strategies evolve from risks.
24. The beauty of making a list is not just in putting down a plan; it’s in the realization that comes with creating that list.
25. Always make a list of the most important things in your life because doing so opens your mind to a whole lot of angles.
Basically, what Richard Rumelt says is a general and rough sketch of strategies. With time however old strategies break and new ones are formed. Moreover, the strategies vary from industry to industry during a given time.
NAVER is a is a South Korean online platform operated by Naver Corporation. It debuted in 1999 as the first web portal in Korea to develop and uses its own search engine. It was also the world's first operator to introduce the comprehensive search feature, which compiles search results from various categories and presents them in a single page. Naver has since added a multitude of new services ranging from basic features such as e-mail and news to the world's first online Q&A platform Knowledge iN. As of September 2017, the search engine handled 74.7% of all web searches in South Korea and had 42 million enrolled users. More than 25 million Koreans have Naver as the start page on their default browser and the mobile application has 28 million daily visitors. Naver is also frequently referred to as 'the Google of South Korea'.
Social media strategies are quite similar for all social media platforms. These strategies are as follows:
1. Step 1 – Have a plan: One key consideration for your social media plan is whether you going to be using social media as yourself, or as your business. Both Facebook and LinkedIn have options for business pages (although on LinkedIn some business or brand options are premium, paid for options) and you can maintain a personal page too that is separate (good for those who want a personal, private Facebook account but also want to use it for business). Other sites like Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter allow you to set up your profile as either personal or business – or again you can have both and switch easily between the two. Start with why. There are plenty of people having a go at social media. Some of them are doing it because they think they should or because everyone else is doing it. But without a clearly defined ‘why’ then it will be difficult for you to maximise its benefits and focus your efforts. Neither will it be easy to measure results and adapt your approach accordingly. For some people, using social media is about establishing or building a personal brand. For others it is about learning or supporting continuing professional development. For others still, it is about developing a company brand, supporting other sales and marketing efforts, or simply finding new customers. Some users just want to join or build a professional community for networking purposes. It can even be about job hunting. Whatever your reason for using social media it’s a good idea to have some aims and desired outcomes. Everything else flows from there. So first of all, decide why you are doing it at all and what you want to achieve from it. We suggest you write them down somewhere. This doesn’t need to be a huge piece of work or a series of particularly big, hairy or audacious goals. A few small goals at first are just fine. The next thing to think about is what success would look like for you. You can measure social media through likes, shares, comments and reach. You can measure it too in the sense of sales, referrals or brand recognition. There are some things that can’t easily be measured – the value of connections, learning or long-term relationships. It’s a matter for you as to whether you feel the need to measure your efforts or determine a return on your investment. If it’s right for you, then identify the most appropriate measures for you and build it into your plan. Review it accordingly on a regular basis and change your strategy depending on what those measures are telling you.
Step 2 – Create your personal policy: We’ve now got a ‘why’ so it’s time for a ‘how’. This will help you to best plan your use of social media – and create your personal policy. Here is an example. We use social media to engage with other people in our profession, learn from others, share, and collaborate. We also use it to chat and share with friends. These two hugely different uses for social media take place on different platforms. For professional activities we mainly use LinkedIn, personal blogs, Slack and Twitter. There, we are incredibly open about our work and our views. For personal photographs and updates, or just keeping in touch with old friends, we mostly use Facebook and Instagram. There is a little cross-over on Twitter because that is one of the platforms that bridges the personal and professional, and that is an accepted part of the platform. Our professional activity is open and accessible without barriers. Our personal use of social media is private and behind privacy settings. We never share pictures of the children on any platform or allow anyone else to do so. This is not meant to say that you should not, or that we are judging anyone who does, it’s simply what we have chosen to do: it’s part of our personal policy. There are options about what you share and to whom on every social media platform.
Here are a few things to think about:
A. Is your social media use personal or professional? If it is exclusively for professional purposes, we would suggest you do not have protected or private accounts. Generally speaking, if you want people to connect with your or your ideas, you want to make it easy for them to do so.
B. If you want to use social media for personal use as well as professional, where will you draw the line? For example, will you accept friend requests on Facebook from colleagues?
C. How much personal material will you share? It is absolutely fine if the answer is none. But there are at least a few personal items you might want to share. Firstly, it is a good idea to include a photograph – this will help you to connect with other people. You will want to say a little about who you are and what you do (we will talk about social media biographies – also known as ‘bios’ - later).
D. You may also want to share a (broad) location so that people know where you are based. This doesn’t have to be too specific; you can just refer to a city or an area.

Step 3 – Decide on your message and audience: Let us begin with an example. We both work in Human Resources. Gemma writes a popular HR blog. The subjects on the blog range across all aspects of work, people, and organisations, but many of the posts reflect her key interests, wellbeing, flexible working, and social media. The aim of her blog is to provide challenge and useful content to others who work in similar fields. As a freelance writer, there is also a secondary aim of generating more work, increasing her online profile and therefore (hopefully!) income. There is a defined aim and direction. It is unlikely that she would use her blog to talk about, for example, football. If it did, those regular readers who are signed up to receive updates would be confused and might just stop reading. From time to time Gemma gets request to either advertise on her blog, or to write content for it on her behalf. She is very clear that the blog is for her words only, and isn’t to be monetarised in itself, so never accepts these requests.
We know people who use social media for a whole range of reasons relating to their professional life. They have a variety of aims and objectives.
Here are just a few:
i. An academic who uses social media to advocate for a particular type of academic publishing practice, and blogs extensively about it. Their target audience is other academics. They want to raise awareness and challenge existing practice.
ii. An artist who shares examples of their work on social media – his target audience is extremely wide as his work may be enjoyed by almost anyone. He expressly encourages others to share with others if they like his content.
iii. An author who shares some of their thinking on a fairly niche topic with an aim of increasing awareness and engaging interest with this subject area – and also sell her books.
iv. A fitness instructor who shares her methodology and beliefs around exercise and nutrition – her central message is about making exercise practical and realistic for busy people. Her target audience is potential customers.
v. A sales and marketing leader who has driving sales and brand awareness as his sole focus. He employs a vast range of methods for doing so, but for him it is all about brand.
vi. A leader of a large public-sector organisation who uses social media to listen to his employees and service users, to respond to them in a timely fashion in a place where they interact and to share key messages from the organisation itself. His audience is potentially everyone living and working in a particular city.
If you are still not totally sure what your key messages or focus should be, here’s a couple of things to think about:
a) How can you add value to your professional online network?
b) What do you stand for?
c) What do you want to promote?
d) What would you want people to say about your social media presence?
e) With whom do you most want to interact – and to have read your content?
f) Who do you wish to influence?
g) What are the interests and priorities of your desired audience? What matters to them? We recommend taking the time to reflect and understand this.
h) What will make you different to others using social media in a similar way. How can you stand out?
i) What is your competition doing – if relevant?
This process may feel a little formal. It’s perfectly ok to get started and refine as you go.
Step 4 – Get your image right: Images are mostly going to be photographs of you (probably doing whatever it is you do too add value) and also the images that you chose to share across social media. Choosing good quality and relevant images can add value to your social media activity in many ways.

To begin with, let’s look at images of you, particularly in your social media profiles. There are some real dos and don’ts here. Firstly, you need a photograph on each platform you are using. Some people don’t bother but it looks unprofessional and will limit your interactions and therefore the number of people that will choose to connect with you. People like to see who they are connecting with. Social media images need to be tailored to the platform. If you are using a platform entirely for professional use, your chosen image needs to reflect that. Avoid pictures that are not of you such as brand logos (unless it is a branded account), or - and this happens - your car. Also avoid pictures that are of you but are a wedding photograph, your children, or friends, or are clearly a cropped social photo. For a professional networking site use a simple headshot with a clear background. If you don’t have a professional headshot, that’s no problem: just ask a friend to take a simple picture of you on their (or your) phone against a plain wall. For consistency, especially if you intend to use social media exclusively for professional reasons, you may wish to use the same image on all social media platforms. This will make your efforts look clear and uniform. However, for slightly less formal platforms, or one (like Twitter) that crosses over the professional and personal, you can be a little more flexible on your preferred image. We still recommend a clear headshot presenting you in a way that aligns with how you want to be viewed by your followers or connections. This will of course vary from person to person. Your image will appear next to all of the things you post and therefore it influences how people “hear” what you say. Sharing images is a key part of interacting on social media, and there are other ways that it can benefit your profile. Some professions and businesses lend themselves well to sharing images. Consider a party planner, florist, fitness instructor or cake decorator. All these professionals can benefit from visually sharing their products or services on the right social media platform (an image-based platform such as Instagram or Pinterest would be particularly suited for static images, YouTube is best for video content). It’s often useful to share images from conferences or events to enhance your content. Some general rules apply here. Where you are sharing images of others, make sure that they are aware and are happy to be included. Images can be informal, but still need to be professional and present you appropriately. Images can also enhance blog posts or articles. If you do not have an appropriate image of your own to use, consider using one from an image site – just always be mindful of copyright or use copyright-free images. It’s also worth taking the time to think about what you don’t want people to see. If you have used social media for personal reasons either in the past or present, you might not want professional contacts to see this content. This is especially important for young professionals.
Step 5 – Write your elevator pitch: Most social media platforms provide an opportunity to have a headline summary saying something about who you are, although these vary in terms of length and style. On Twitter it is known as your ‘bio’ and you have 160 characters to play with. On LinkedIn, you have the opportunity of both a headline and profile. On Instagram it is your profile and over on Facebook and WhatsApp it is a bio again. On blogging sites like WordPress, you have the option to say much more – even having an ‘about you’ page. For the purposes of this chapter we will use the term ‘bio’ for ease. Your bio tells people about you. It should give people an idea about who you are and – importantly – what sort of content you will share. Your bio will encourage people to connect with you on social media – or not. This is your first opportunity to connect – so make it count. It is important to tailor your bio to the platform in question; what works on Twitter will not work for LinkedIn for example. On LinkedIn, your headline will automatically default to your job title unless you change it. You can do this in your profile settings. You can change this to anything you like, although we would encourage you not to use gimmicky language (no ‘ninjas’ or ‘gurus’ please, unless this is your actual job role). Keep this brief and make it stand out. You can use your profile to go into more detail – think of this like your summary paragraph on a CV, explaining briefly who you are and describing your key skills, knowledge, and experience. You can even include hyperlinks to other online content that refers to you or your work. Don’t be afraid to sell yourself and highlight your successes – this is the very purpose of LinkedIn. Some platforms will allow for more informality. Twitter is a good example of this. Here it’s considered acceptable to say something about the work that you do – but also a little more about what you are interested in or passionate about. Don’t forget to include a link to your website, blog or other social media profiles. If your social media accounts are primarily promoting your business or services, make sure that your bio includes a succinct summary of what you do and give clear instructions – or better still, direct links – on how to contact you. If you are not sure quite what to say in your bio, check out bios written by others in similar roles or professions. This will help you understand the etiquette for each platform. There are a couple of things to note. It really is not necessary to include a statement to the effect of ‘all views are mine’. This really goes without saying – who else would they be? Whether you choose to identify yourself as working for a particular employer is normally also a matter of personal choice – but it’s always worth checking if your company has a policy on this first. Some professions or professional organisations (for example, medical professions) have specific guidance around social media use, so it is worth considering whether this could also apply to you and your work. Finally, do not forget to update your bio if things change, or just to keep it fresh or current.
Step 6 – Play to your strengths: When it comes to using social media professionally, make it as easy to fit into your life as possible. You can do this through using the tools we will discuss in a later chapter but also by using the skills and strengths that you already have. Here are some examples:
• If you enjoy chatting to people and think you come across well verbally, why not try recording a podcast? Podcasts are simple to record and publish and there are low cost options for publication through sites such as Podbean.
• If you are handy with the video camera on your phone, then create a YouTube video channel. There are cheap (and free) apps which even enable video editing on your phone, such as KineMaster.
• If you are good at written communication and think you can get a point across in 400-500 words, then consider writing a blog. WordPress is the most popular site to host blogs and can be used for free.
• If you have products or services to showcase that look great and you can take a good photograph (or perhaps you already have a bank of images) then look for platforms that suit image sharing and make the most of them. The popularity of the auction site eBay means that equipment such as photo light boxes are readily available to make your products look as good as possible online. There are good options for editing photos built into most smartphones, with many more apps available for the more creative (for example, PicStitch to put more than one image together, or Over which lets you add text to images, amongst other things).
Bring your existing strengths to your social media usage for maximum effect.
Step 7 – Pick your platforms: To a large extent, this goes back to your Step 1 ‘why’ – just what is it you are trying to get out of your social media use? The second element that it is important to consider is where the people are that you want to connect with. Where are your customers, stakeholders, or employees? There is plenty of data, freely available, that will tell you more about who is using which platform, particularly around user demographics. You can also find information about the best times to post for maximum reach on a platform by platform basis. We have not included any data here as it changes on a regular basis – but a quick Google will secure you the information you need. Be mindful that this will keep changing over time, so you may need to develop your own strategy to match. Different platforms come and go, and popularity levels fluctuate too. For example, Facebook started out on a University campus for students, but as we write this book, its fastest growing demographic is grandparents. The students have gone elsewhere. Although there is regular new research available about platform use, other social media users are a valuable source of data. Do not be afraid to check out the competition – or just other people in your profession. Who are they following? What hashtags do they use? When and what do they post? What tools do they use? All of this is valuable, and publically available data. Here is some advice on platforms that does not depend too much on changing demographics or trends: If you are looking for work or to make professional connections, you should consider having a LinkedIn profile. As a platform, LinkedIn has its limitations: it is unfortunately a place that is subject to sales spam and it isn’t quite as easy to build personal relationships in the same way that you can on other platforms (more on that later). However, it is a default place to be. Many recruiters will check out your profile on LinkedIn. The platform also makes it easy to showcase your work and skills, through customisable headlines, its own blogging platform and space for links to your work and publications. Blogging can be a powerful way of generating traffic to your website and can be used to demonstrate your areas of professional expertise. It gives you content to share on the other social media platforms and is more in-depth than the fast interactions of somewhere like Twitter (although that is an excellent place to link to your blog). There are many blogging platforms and are mostly free (although some have some paid for options such as bespoke URLs that are worth considering). Whatever platform you choose, ensure that you have a method for monitoring people interacting with you in this space – and respond accordingly. This shows that you are listening and engaging. For example, check comments on your posts, blogs, or videos. Check your notifications on Twitter – who has mentioned your Twitter handle and why? If you find that you are being criticised via a social media platform, then we recommend acknowledging the comments and offering a way of discussing the situation in more detail away from the platform (privately – through direct message – provide an email address or a phone number to facilitate this). If you have multiple accounts on the same social media platform (for example, you have a more than one Twitter account, or you have both personal and business Facebook accounts, make sure you are sharing from the correct one every time! Do not overshare and keep your content suitable for the platform. Each social media site is different – the best way to learn what works where is to be guided by other users.
Step 8 – Connect and engage: An important principle to remember here is that at its heart, social media is about dialogue – not broadcasting. Too many people using social media professionally just talk about themselves, or their products and services. We recommend avoiding the hard sell. There is little we dislike more than accepting a LinkedIn connection request and a few minutes later getting an email from them to ‘introduce themselves’ – along with a handy link to their website or product. If your focus for social media is about promoting your business, you should aim not to mention your products or services more than once in every five social shares, as a maximum. It’s important to strike a balance – and that balance needs to be weighted heavily in favour of being an interesting and useful member of your professional community as opposed to telling people about yourself – and there are plenty of people using social media for just that. If you put the connection and engagement first, then the professional benefits will come in time. A good starting point on Twitter is joining in on a Twitter chat. Many professions have them. We both work in the field of Human Resources, and often join in on HR and Learning and Development specific chats. These typically happen at the same time each week, have a moderator, use a dedicated hashtag, and will feature a nominated topic or a question for discussion each time. It is worth searching for chats in your profession as they can be a great way to get to know others and expand your network. When it comes to engaging with others on social media, we are advocates of joining in with conversations – as well as starting them. Another good way to increase engagement with your content is to make an express request for feedback. For example, if you write a blog, consider posing a question in your post and inviting people to comment. Share a post on your chosen social media platform and ask others what they think about it. Consider creating a poll or even a competition. If you are conducting research, then it is fine to say you would be obliged if others would. Some sites have their own etiquette about connecting. LinkedIn is one such site. It is possible on LinkedIn to send someone a ‘blank’ connection request. This is a request to connect but without an accompanying note or introduction to yourself. This is generally considered okay when you know someone, but if you do not it is polite to include a comment with you request. Think about the equivalent in real life – how would you behave at a face-to-face networking event? Once a social media platform gets to know you are your interests, it will suggest people or accounts with which you might want to engage. Over on LinkedIn check out ‘people you might know’. It is often (but not always) uncanny. Facebook and Instagram will put these suggestions into your timeline for ease. Twitter will also recommend accounts to follow and tailor your trends to topics that are relevant to your interests share the content.
Step 9 – Share often: Sharing content will help you build a network and make connections. Everyone likes someone who shares their content. Sharing interesting content that you have found makes you a useful member of your professional community. Some people find it hard to know exactly what to share when they first start using social media. As we said earlier, it’s important to avoid only sharing your own content. What you share should also ideally align with your bio: for example, if you state in your bio that you work in marketing but spend all your time tweeting about football, there’s a disconnect there that might mean you lose followers. There are a few ways that you can collate good information to share with your network. When you have connections within your profession, you will find that articles and things of interest will land naturally in your timeline because of the people you follow on each platform. Depending on how many and what kind of people or accounts you follow, you may find the vast majority – or even all – of the content you share there. On Twitter you can check out ‘moments’ to see what is trending or what others are talking about. You can also search relevant industry or profession hashtags to see what people are currently talking about as a way of finding good content. It’s also worth checking out bloggers in your specific field as they will be sharing their own work. Follow relevant news outlets or publications for your professional field. And of course, share your own content and talk about your own work – just make sure that it isn’t your entire timeline. When sharing someone else’s work, make sure to tag them in it. For example: “Just read this fab blog post by @HR_Gem.” This will increase your visibility to the content creator – quite often you will find they will reply even if it is just to say a simple thank you. You might even get a follow back or strike up a conversation. When and how often to share varies depending on the platform itself and who it is you are trying to reach. On slower-moving platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook, you might only need to share something once a day – if that. Over on Twitter a single tweet has a very short shelf life as most people just don’t scroll back that far in their timeline. More regular sharing is required on Twitter to maintain a steady presence. Data is available online about when is the best time to post content on what social media platform. As these analytics will change over time, your best source of up to date information is to do a search for the platform you want to know more about in real time. Once you start typing “best time to post on…” into Google, you will see there are a lot of options! It’s also important to experiment by engaging at different times and different days to see what works for you and your network. The broad data is useful but it is also about what the particular crowd you are trying to reach are doing – and your use of social media might be more niche. Another sharing option is the conference or event share. Most conferences these days will have a social media backchannel – official or otherwise. There is usually a hashtag, and often a number of people tasked with getting content on that hashtag (sometimes known as a “blog squad”) to give a virtual element to the event for people who can’t be there in person. If you are at an event, a great way of sharing is to tweet, live blog or take photos in real time and share them with your network. Tell your followers where you are and share what you are learning. Make sure whatever you share uses the event hashtag for maximum exposure. Even if you are not actually there in person, sharing content, using the hashtag and giving your opinions (constructively!) can still help get you noticed as someone working in that field. Remember that using hashtags will also make your content searchable in the future, and not just at the time that you post it.
Step 10 – Use tools:
1) Hootsuite / TweetDeck: These are platforms that can help you organise your social media accounts (especially useful if you are trying to manage more than one account on the same platform). They allow for scheduling of tweets so that you can plan social media content to be shared on an ongoing basis, without the need to action each time. Just be careful about it. For example, if there is a serious news incident or national disaster, make sure you turn them off, quickly. Also recognise that there are limitations to too much scheduling as it limits your ability to interact with responses.
2) Lists: A useful way to organise your Twitter timeline is a list. This simply means that you create lists of people and accounts, in order to organise or categorise. This means that when you want to catch up, you don’t have to check back through a busy timeline, but can just select a few key areas to view. You can set up multiple lists or follow those set up by other people.
3) Apps: There are specific apps (such as ‘If That Then This’) that allow for simple sharing. You set the rules on the app. For example, you can engage a setting to ensure that when you post content on your business Facebook page, it will automatically also post it on Twitter or LinkedIn (sometimes called ‘cross-posting’).
Step 11 – Dive in – and be authentically you: It has been said that to get social media, you have to do social media. It is fine to ‘lurk’ a little to begin with (by which we mean just watching and consuming content, without engaging too much). But you will get the most out of social media when you fully engage. This does not mean spending hours on it every day – social media is continuous, so you could never consume or keep up with everything. It is however important to make it a habit – and commit to it. If you need to, until using social media becomes more natural to you, consider scheduling yourself a little time each day. You could also consider setting yourself a manageable target, such as publishing one blog post each week. If you want to build connections and join online communities, you will not fully realise the benefit unless you dive right in. No one wants to see an abandoned (or apparently so) account. It is not difficult to fit social media into your daily life as you can dip in and out to suit you. Whether you are waiting for a train, in the back of a taxi, standing in a queue for a coffee, you can just drop into your feed, see what is occurring, and make a quick contribution. Remember that you can be authentic without sharing your every thought or moment. If you are focused on building a professional personal brand on social media, consider carefully what discussions to engage in or what content to share. Some issues will always be divisive – politics and religion being just a couple of obvious examples. Although we advocate connecting and getting involved, also remember the importance of switching off. Social media has been described as the conversation that never sleeps; if you try to keep up with absolutely everything, neither will you. Being constantly connected is not always good for our wellbeing. Social media can be a little addictive.
Step 12 – Stay safe:
Some simple advice for staying safe online are as follows:
1) Do not put your full date of birth or even just the specific day of the year on a publicly available social media platform. If a fraudster can determine your birth year, they have your full date of birth – a critical piece of identify information. For the same reason, don’t put your year of birth in your handle (we have seen people with handles like @Gem78 – maybe she’s the 78th Gem to sign up, or maybe it’s the year of her birth).
2) If you have decided that some of your content is private and just for friends (such as on a closed Instagram profile) then do not accept friends or follow requests from people you do not know.
3) Many smartphone apps have location settings within them, which, when you use your phone to upload photos for example, will show where they were taken. This could therefore give people a good idea where you live or work. If you do not want to share this information, go into your phone settings, and turn off location settings.
4) Check the privacy settings on each social media platform that you are using to check what you are sharing with whom. Check these occasionally, as from time to time the app or platform may update these.
5) Use strong passwords for all your social media platforms to reduce the risk of them being compromised – whatever you do, do not use Password1 or the like. It is good practice to ensure you do not use any recognisable words because programmes exist to help hackers identify dictionary words. The best advice we have seen is to use mnemonics for a memorable phrase e.g. IaaaTui2019 – “I am an awesome Twitter user in 2019”, obviously. Use different passwords for each of the platforms you are using. Where they are an option, set additional security measures such as security questions.
6) Work on the basis that nothing you ever post on social media can ever be truly, 100% private. Even when a conversation or profile is private, they can still be copied and distributed without your knowledge. Consider keeping your really personal stuff personal.
7) Be careful ‘checking in’ to places such as hotels on certain sites such as Facebook if you have a public profile.
8) Be cautious about what links you click. If something does not look right, do not engage with it.
9) Think before you post

Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered over 4 years ago