


How can I go about hiring staff for building marketplaces?

I've been working offshore with teams over the last few years and struggling to get/keep people who are skilled, have attention to detail, and test their work well before assessing it as completed. Is this something you have experience of and have strategies to share of how I can overcome this problem?

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Assaf Ben-David

Mentor, Entrepreneur, Lawyer, Public Speaker

This is a common problem.
Here are some solutions (some more obvious and some less):
1. Make sure you hire skilled workers. This can be done by using service providers who you reached through recommendations (preferably from people that you know) and if you don't have any other choice: then based on reviews from freelancers websites (anything less than 5 stars usually means there was an issue with that service provider, but don't only check the star ratings, check the verbal reviews people left as well).
2. Structure the compensation in a layered way:
a. small down payment (only if required)
b. payments only after completion of each stage (completion = you've reviewed it and find it satisfactory). Always leave at least 30% for the end - which you only pay after you've reviewed and confirmed that everything is 100%. I even advise leaving another 10% for at least 1-3 months after the project has been completed - this isn't always possible - it depends how big the project is.
c. Bonuses: if each section/the final project was done wit no mistakes (what you called "attention to details") they get a bonus. If there were mistakes, they 'only' get the original payment.
3. Be very specific with what you want in the document that you provide them and ask them to highlight (in green) each item once completed.
4. Test their work on a small project before giving them the big/main one. Preferably something that requires attention to details.
5. Sign a service provider agreement (I can draft this for you) which clearly defines the work done and more importantly, protects your IP (intellectual property).

I can give you some recommendations if I know what type of product/service it is.

Good luck
I've successfully helped over 300 entrepreneurs, startups and businesses, and I would be happy to help you. After scheduling a call, please send me some background information so that I can prepare in advance - thus giving you maximum value for your money. Take a look at the great reviews I’ve received:

Answered about 5 years ago

Jordi Llonch

Clarity Expert

Hi! I am a marketplace entrepreneur myself (Sharing Academy) and have helped dozens of sharing economy entrepreneurs as well (Lendi, Truke, Mentor Alliances...). What worked best for me was convincing the users to become team members.

Our best programming tutor in Sharing Academy became CTO, his best student in the platform became his intern. Another student became head of our customer care department, and so on...

Build a great product, engage wit your users and make them become part of your movement.

Answered about 5 years ago

Muhammad Junaid

Verified Computer/IT Expert

There are 1000s of worker on freelancer, upwork, people per hour and fiverr and all of them works very great but i have experienced one thing you have to hire the worker who have more than 10 reviews and the review is more than 4 out 5. if you will only hire the person with this criteria then i can guarantee you that you get a professional.

Answered about 5 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

To hire staff for building marketplace that lasts really for a long time and making considerable profits keep the following in mind that behind every successful marketplace is a dedicated team. Starting a marketplace requires a varied list of skill sets.

1. Identify positions: This will determine the structure and foundation of your marketplace activities. Starting up can be scary when you are navigating the business world alone. It will also lower costs while allowing you to leverage on a wider set of skills for your marketplace.

2. Identifying candidates and hiring them: When identifying candidates, it is important to consider a few factors. Firstly, they must have experience and skills in areas that complement the rest of the team, and not replace them. Most importantly, they must be fans of your marketplace. Now that you know how to build a game-winning team for your marketplace, it is time to find out who you should scout for your awesome team.

3. Technology team: Before marketing and operations begin, you would need a technology team to put together the marketplace. These engineers oversee the tech behind your marketplace. To build a marketplace, you would likely need to find a technology partner to co-find your marketplace. You may choose to outsource the technological process to third-party Marketplace-as-a-Software service providers such as Arcadier. Also, it allows you to focus your resources into developing your business idea and marketing it. Building a game-winning team for your marketplace start-up will take up a significant amount of time and effort. With the right team, the possibilities for the growth of your marketplace is endless.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered over 4 years ago