Real Estate Development
Real Estate Investor at Rapid Home Buyers, LLC
This should help you out:
1. Property Development for Beginners: A Beginners Guide to Property Development by Steve Chandler">Property Development for Beginners: A Beginners Guide to Property Development</a><img src="
2. Real Estate Development: Principles and Process by Mike E. Miles">Real Estate Development: Principles and Process</a><img src="
Answered over 11 years ago
Clarity Expert
I would check out the dummies books as they tend to cover everything from broad to specific and offer many tips. Also I would contact some local developers and buy them lunch. That will be better than any book.
Answered about 11 years ago
RE Entrepreneur / Professional Housing Provider
I am a Real Estate Entrepreneur and the first place to start is joining your local Real Estate Investor Association (REIA) which will gain you access to great resources and find a mentor, someone who is successful and is actively doing what you want to be doing.
There are hundreds of gurus out there that claim to have the best products and you can spend multiple thousands of dollars on their products. But be careful and do your research on who is good. Here is my list of very good mentors and who have great products:
Ron Legrand is straightforward and has great information for the new and seasoned investor.
Mike Butler has a great book on property management. Highly recommended for the buy and hold investor.
Robyn Thompson has great information for flipping houses.
Loral Langemeier has some great books on business and multiple streams of income.
Please contact me if you would like to discuss further. Thank you.
Tony Babich
Answered about 11 years ago