


How large is the pool of mentors here?

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Christian Nilsson

Professional Management Consultant

Hello there, amazing person! I have yet to know how large the pool of mentors here is however I can say one thing and that is that, no matter what you need.There's someone out there that specializes in your preferred area, whether it's within psychology, technology, branding or just business general, there's always someone out there.

You just have to be confident and keep on checking and before you know it, you have the best mentor ever in-front of you. So if your question is Clarity a good platform for it? I'd say yes, it's just up to you to choose which person fits you!

And from me to you, my friend. You already did the first step, so now you only have to do the second step as well and you'll be on your way towards success more than ever before! :)

Answered almost 4 years ago