Rick leander

Interesting perspective. I would suggest that if that is the results you are getting from “committees” you are doing it wrong.
Start with, what are you asking them to do? We rarely ask committees to make a final decision; although a board is a “committee” and we do ask them to make a few decisions and sign off on decisions by others. But usually, we ask committees to look at an area of concern or opportunity and make recommendations to a decision maker. And yes, I’m talking about the plural recommendationS. We want a diverse group of players, with different backgrounds and experiences to look at data and help us convert it into actionable intelligence and a reasoned set of possible directions.
But if you are (or are seeing in others) the need to assemble a diverse committee to look at a vendor contract, I would suggest, once again, you are doing it wrong….
Love your stuff, keep it up!!

Reply10 months ago

Subject: Committees Are Where Progress Goes to Die
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