

Career Counseling

Can you relate to my personality and would you recommend a career change?

I've been always attracted to technology but I'm feeling that my life feels so miserable that I'm taking two heavy drugs (one to sleep and one anti-depressant) I worked as a graphic designer, marketing coordinator and now project coordinator. I'm feeling miserable because my job it's all about tracking projects, documents and doing math reports (project coordinator). I like having ideas, being creative, and thinking about the future, digging a subject to understand the why of things, solving problems and helping people. I have an idea for product a week (I'm ADHD) when I'm feeling relaxed. I'm driven by solving an issue and learning everything I can to solve that issue, almost like a doctor does, rather than doing something mechanical and structured. The only job that I've done that felt a little inspiring was when I was graphic designer for 2 years at a software company and was promoted to specialist to manage a new designer (not in a sense of giving him stuff to do but we worked together to recreate all the branding and website of the company). The owner who used to be a micromanager also trusted me more and left me alone to do things. I also felt happy when he was improving his skills and everybody was going above and beyond. But I've always wanted to do something larger so I moved to a larger company hoping that I could create the app that would save them - wrong choice, I focused on "building a resume with a good brand and career". Being a high achiever in that company was not doing what was right for the customers but what your director wanted. Everybody says that I should be an entrepreneur or working with something creative but I'm not a guy who is driven by business, money networking and growing a business, I'm not shy (I love listening to people) but I really like to spend a lot of time thinking on how to solve an issue, however I do have some hard time finishing projectss (I try to control myself and cut the number of projects). I tried the "strategist" career path in agencies but after talking to people I realized that it was a lot of bullshit. I still believe in building web products that work, which benefits society and people and are real. I'm mission driven and I need to believe in what I do, I worked for a not for profit and when I realized that I was just making money to maintain the our salary because we were not solving any issue I lost all the motivation, (I've tried starting some projects to solve some core problems with the organization but they refused because of hierarchy, even though the people on the bottom liked the idea). I just realized that passions are bullshit too, you should do what your personality fits you and do what you are, like for ex. my wife loves food but she would never succeed being a chef, she is good with people and writing and she is happy doing PR for corporations. I only have one question, does anybody relate to my personality or have seen someone like this in the tech industry? Some people suggested me to be an interaction designer or UX/HCI researcher, but I just wanted to get an opinion.

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Deb Bailey

Writer, coach, published author

I can relate to where you're coming from for a couple of reasons. One, I love technology, yet I define myself more as a creative person who loves to write. As an employee, I was on both sides of the fence. For many years I was a software developer and systems analyst. And I've also been copywriter and a merchandise assistant in the fashion industry. I was always looking for the place where I fit.

I've spent time in corporate--ended up hating the bureaucracy and politics. And contracting/volunteering in non-profits, which have their own challenges.

Running a business isn't for everyone, so it's good that you realize it might not be the path your want to take. A lot of people do it because they believe it will lead to freedom. But it can be another trap if running a business doesn't fit your temperament.

My suggestion would be to take your time right now. Do some work within yourself to be honest about what you're drawn to, and what is a complete turn off. Don't just run to something to get away from something else.

It might take a while for you to define the right move. I'd start by writing out what you dislike and what you like when it comes to work and self expression. Sounds simplistic, I know. But you'd be surprised how much comes out if you take the time to write it out. Or speak it into a recording device--whatever it takes to get it out of your head.

Don't be afraid to make a mistake while you're figuring it out. Every new opportunity doesn't have to be the "be all and end all." Once I made the move out of IT, I became a contractor and also did freelance writing. Not being a full-time employee allowed me to have an income while not being committed fully to a company or job.

Perhaps your ultimate answer will be to do something on the side, while you work full-time in an environment that allows you to grow and do good work. Or perhaps the freelance/contractor route will click. You'll have to give yourself space to figure out what's right--what makes sense for your peace of mind and for your financial needs.

It's okay if you follow your own path. It just may take a while for you to figure it out what's right for you and how to create the fulfillment you're seeking.

For myself, I accept that my path will not be a straight line. In corporate I had a career path, and I knew what every step would be. That's not true now, and sometimes it can be unnerving not to know. But I've found that it works better for me to have the flexibility, and I'm wiling to accept the "uncertainty" that comes with it.

That's why you have to have an idea of what you want and what you're willing to live with, so you can express yourself in the world and feel good about it.

Answered over 10 years ago

Maria Marsala

Financial advisor business coach

You're in great company if you're an ADHD Introvert :)

I can see by what you've written, that you have some insights into both areas.

Here's the thing. Success really is an inside job first.

I've watched many people get the things in life they "want" only to still be depressed and unhappy.

Before changing careers, do some inner work. Maybe start with gaining a greater understanding of ADHD (and the plus's we have because of ADHD) and being an introvert PBS had two series I recommend. ADHD and Loving it and Dr. Amen's ADHD program.

There are some excellent books on celebrating being an Introvert. Susan Cain is GREAT! I have her TED talk on my blog just do a search for introvert.

NOTE: the fact that you're a good listener is a good thing IF you want to go into your own business. However, from what I read, it sounds like you'd be better off, right now, being part of a team... for company that appreciates you.

Getting back to your question... Would I recommend a career change?

If you're not happy I would start with inner work first before you find your ideal career and "go for the brass ring".

Because if you were to change careers now, you'll be adding stress to your life. Good stress is still stress.

Answered over 10 years ago

Ari Hoffman

Therapist.Wilderness Guide.Philosopher

Yes, yes, and a little more yes.
I can relate to you but in a different field. I am a psychotherapist and wilderness guide.
I can recommend an approach: whatever you do, don't be a spaz about it. I think you know what I mean by spaz, I certainly do because I've been accused of being one many times in my life.
Pick a project that you think has merit. Talk to mentors, advisers, friends, and get their feedback. Listen to what they have to say. You don't have to follow all of their advice but allow yourself to really consider it.
Then pursue it.
Remember an enormously important thing: when you're hiking on a mountain never look up. The horizon is constantly receding and you'll get discouraged. Focus on putting one foot in front of the other and celebrate your small successes.

Answered over 10 years ago

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Before I relate your personality to a suitable career, I would like to talk a bit about personality. Personality is one element in the mix that makes up who a person is. The unique “us” can be regarded as a mixture of all the following:
a) in-born talents and skills
b) taught habits and skills
c) the environment in which we were brought up
d) education
e) drive and ambition
f) circumstances in which we find ourselves
g) the impact of others
h) our personality types.
While most of these factors are variables, we know that a person’s personality type remains the same throughout their life. The way we are managed, or manage ourselves, can however determine the extent to which we make the most of our types and the extent to which we grow as individuals.
A typology is the study of human personality types. The use of typologies has been a consistent feature of the age-old attempt to understand “what makes people tick”. Some of the most enduring typologies are:
a) the Ancient Greek theory of Humours
b) the Medieval system of Elements
c) the models of extraversion and introversion advocated by Carl Jung, Hans Eysenck and Myers-Briggs
d) the stress personality types of Rosenman and Friedman
e) the team role types of Meredith Belbin and Margerison-McCann
f) astrological star signs.
While no one typology works for everyone all the time for every purpose, some of these typologies can be reliable predictors of how people will behave in given situations at work.
Elias H.Porter was an American psychologist who, while working with disadvantaged youngsters in New York, developed a personality typology consisting of 3 main types: Reds, the go-getters; Greens, the analytical thinkers; and Blues, the people. Porter’s point was to show the youngsters that people were different but of equal value. Understanding the way others are when different to us is not a reason for conflict. By being aware of the way others see the world and then accepting them for their differences means they can complement our strengths and make us all stronger.
The Enneagram is a typology of human types that has a long and varied history. It can be traced back for more than 4000 years and has recently been re-discovered as a means of understanding human types.

The Enneagram identifies nine basic human types, (hence the word “enneagram”, which is Greek for “nine-pointed figure”). These types are not identified as names but as numbers, ie Ones through to Nines. Each number corresponds to a personality type with its own characteristics. These characteristics are similar to the groups of human traits identified by psychologists and writers such as Carl Jung. The Enneagram provides a way to study human personality that is, on the one hand, instantly accessible, allowing us, for example, to immediately recognise what number a person is. At the same time, the Enneagram has depths and layers of meaning that may take a lifetime to learn. Whichever personality typology you use, make sure it is one that is reliable and chimes with your own experience of how people behave. A typology such as the Enneagram will give you an immediate understanding of why people behave as they do and at the same time show you how they can develop in beneficial and psychologically healthy ways.
The Enneagram is a typology of human personality that has existed in one form or another for thousands of years. The current interest in the contribution which people make in the workplace has renewed interest in it. The Enneagram has many facets. At one level, it can be viewed as a simple description of nine personality types, allowing us to identify and understand the characteristics of those who work for us. At another level, it gives clues about how people will behave in certain situations, thus enabling us to make better decisions about selection, delegation and teamwork and about the personal development of those who work for us.
The Enneagram (pronounced “Any-a-gram”) offers an accessible system of understanding individual personality based around nine types, or points, hence Enneagram, a Greek word for a nine-starred diagram.
These are the nine types:
1. Ones: the need to be perfect
2. Twos: the need to be needed
3. Threes: the need to be successful
4. Fours: the need to be special
5. Fives: the need to perceive
6. Sixes: the need to be secure
7. Sevens: the need to be happy
8. Eights: the need to be strong
9. Nines: the need to be free
In “The Enneagram Made Easy”, Renee Baron and Elizabeth Wagele offer a simple way to understand the differences in the 9 personality types. They imagine that each personality type has been invited to a dinner party and then suggest some thoughts that each type would “typically” have before, during and after the party. Here they are:
Before the Party:
1. Ones: “I hope I’m bringing the appropriate wine”
2. Twos: “I hope my friends will all like one another”
3. Threes: “I hope to do a lot of networking tonight”
4. Fours: “I’m not in the mood for a party”
5. Fives: “I wish I could stay at home with my book”
6. Sixes: “I must remember to feed the cat and lock up”
7. Sevens: “If it isn’t a fun group, I’m off to do something else”
8. Eights: “I’m OUTTA THERE if there isn’t good wine, men, and song”
9. Nines: “I’ll feel so good if I can make a nice connection tonight”
During the Party:
1. Ones: “Not enough food groups represented in this menu”
2. Twos: “It’s so great to feel needed”
3. Threes: “I need to eat and run. I’m swamped.”
4. Fours: “Cheap caviar - shocking”
5. Fives: It’s a talkative group. Good, that gets me off the hook”
6. Sixes: “She’s leaving early. Doesn’t she like us?”
7. Sevens: “First, I’ll eat, then take some pictures, then go to my class”
8. Eights: “Pass it down. Pass it all down here.”
9. Nines: “I feel so close to everyone”
After the Party:
1. Ones: “I hope I didn’t offend George with that remark”
2. Twos: “I’m so exhausted but I’m glad everyone had a good time”
3. Threes: “I didn’t make any contacts at the party, but I made up for it at the fund-raiser afterwards”
4. Fours: “The conversation was so mundane”
5. Fives: “I’m glad I left early so I could read my book”
6. Sixes: “Feels great to be safe at home”
7. Sevens: (Harry is still out having fun)
8. Eights: “I sure wiped the floor with them in that debate”
9. Nines: “I’m glad they liked my story”
The personalities described in Enneagram can be described in more scientific way. These are as follows:
1. THE REFORMER: The Rational, Idealistic Type: Principled, Purposeful, Self-Controlled, and Perfectionistic
2. THE HELPER: The Caring, Interpersonal Type: Demonstrative, Generous, People-Pleasing, and Possessive
3. THE ACHIEVER: The Success-Oriented, Pragmatic Type: Adaptive, Excelling, Driven, and Image-Conscious
4. THE INDIVIDUALIST: The Sensitive, Withdrawn Type: Expressive, Dramatic, Self-Absorbed, and Temperamental
5. THE INVESTIGATOR: The Intense, Cerebral Type: Perceptive, Innovative, Secretive, and Isolated
6. THE LOYALIST: The Committed, Security-Oriented Type: Engaging, Responsible, Anxious, and Suspicious
7. THE ENTHUSIAST: The Busy, Fun-Loving Type: Spontaneous, Versatile, Distractible, and Scattered
8. THE CHALLENGER: The Powerful, Dominating Type: Self-Confident, Decisive, Wilful, and Confrontational
9. THE PEACEMAKER: The Easy-going, Self-Effacing Type: Receptive, Reassuring, Agreeable, and Complacent
Having understood this, I will expand it a bit to accommodate career changes. This is called Carl G. Jung's 16 personality types. In order to be content and fulfilled in the workplace, it is vital to match your occupation and work environment to your personality type. This is because job satisfaction is at its highest when your job engages your strong personality traits. Similarly, it boosts professional fulfilment when your job is in line with your attitude, values, and preferences.
For example, INTJs, ENTJs, ENFJs, and ESTJs often find themselves in engineering roles within technology-focused organizations. In addition, ENTJs, ENFJs, and ESTJs may take on leadership roles. Conversely, ISFJ, ISFP, and ESFJ personality types often work in people-oriented industries such as healthcare, social services, and counselling. ISFJs, ISFPs, and ESFJs may find themselves particularly comfortable in roles where they interact directly with clients and provide practical, personal help. Likewise, ESFJ, ENFJ, INFJ, and ISTJ types enjoy leadership and management roles in the same field. Job-related stress is lower when your responsibilities at work correspond to your personality-related preferences. Having to meet job requirements that conflict with your personality type may lead to significant dissatisfaction. For instance, if you are an expressed introvert and your job requires frequent, prolonged social interaction, it can make for a very frustrating situation that may lead to burnout. According to Carl G. Jung's theory of psychological types, people can be characterized by their preference of general attitude:
• Extraverted (E) vs. Introverted (I),
their preference of one of the two functions of perception:
• Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N),
and their preference of one of the two functions of judging:
• Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F)
The three areas of preferences introduced by Jung are dichotomies (i.e. bipolar dimensions where each pole represents a different preference). Jung also proposed that in a person one of the four functions above is dominant – either a function of perception or a function of judging. Isabel Briggs Myers, a researcher and practitioner of Jung’s theory, proposed to see the judging-perceiving relationship as a fourth dichotomy influencing personality type:
• Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P)
The first criterion, Extraversion – Introversion, signifies the source and direction of a person’s energy expression. An extravert’s source and direction of energy expression is mainly in the external world, while an introvert has a source of energy mainly in their own internal world.
The second criterion, Sensing – Intuition, represents the method by which someone perceives information. Sensing means that a person mainly believes information he or she receives directly from the external world. Intuition means that a person believes mainly information he or she receives from the internal or imaginative world.
The third criterion, Thinking – Feeling, represents how a person processes information. Thinking means that a person decides mainly through logic. Feeling means that, as a rule, he or she decides based on emotion, i.e. based on what they feel they should do.
The fourth criterion, Judging – Perceiving, reflects how a person implements the information he or she has processed. Judging means that a person organizes all his life events and, as a rule, sticks to his plans. Perceiving means that he or she is inclined to improvise and explore alternative options.
1. ESTJ Career Choices: ESTJs often find themselves in occupations that require thorough analysis, practical planning and organizational skills, process control and responsibility. ESTJs make good mid- and high-rank managers and executives. They succeed as military and police workers, politicians, engineers and entrepreneurs.
2. ISTJ Career Choices: Due to their natural strengths ISTJs often find themselves in occupations that involve controlling production processes effectively, orientation to details, clear-cut planning, occupations that require responsibility and being an efficient worker. They are found across a wide range of industries and verticals, in organizations of all sizes. ISTJs succeed as military and police workers, engineers, auditors, lawyers, surgeons.
3. ENTJ Career Choices: ENTJs often find themselves in occupations that require good analytical and planning skills. ENTJs build successful careers in those areas that require considerable organizational skills and intellectual effort, in occupations that present a challenge and call for creativity. They are greatly represented in technological and management consulting companies among engineers and developers, and among high- and mid-rank managers. They are also able to realize their potential in start-ups where they often fulfil management positions or take responsibility for the whole project.
4. INTJ Career Choices: Generally, INTJs have successful careers in areas requiring intense intellectual effort, those that present intellectual challenges, and require a creative approach. Due to the characteristics mentioned above, successful INTJs are found in technological companies, particularly in research and development, and among corporate lawyers, high- and mid-rank managers in technology companies and financial institutions.
5. ESTP Career Choices: ESTPs often find themselves in occupations that require prompt and active responses. ESTPs succeed as salespeople, crime and fraud investigators, sailors, race car drivers, athletes, actors, entrepreneurs, rescue operation staff, and occasionally politicians and special combat forces. Many ESTPs are found among implementation and maintenance specialists.
6. ISTP Career Choices: Due to their natural strengths ISTPs often find themselves in occupations that involve direct participation in manufacturing, the production or maintenance process, in fields that require a good understanding of details. ISTPs succeed as technicians, mechanics, electricians, electrical, mechanical, and other maintenance and repair specialists, trouble-shooters, handymen, drivers, programmers, athletes. They are good in rescue operations and in any occupation that is action-oriented and requires specialized skills as well as analytical thinking.
7. ENTP Career Choices: Generally, ENTPs build successful careers in areas requiring intense intellectual effort, a creative approach, and those that present an intellectual challenge. Because of the characteristics mentioned above, ENTPs are often found in research, development, and analytical departments. ENTPs often make very successful careers in academia thanks to their strong and versatile way of thinking along with their great erudition.
8. INTP Career Choices: Generally, INTPs build successful careers in fields requiring quite intense intellectual effort and that call for a creative approach. INTPs are often found in research, development and analytical departments. INTPs often make very successful careers in academia thanks to their originality and their strong and versatile way of thinking.
9. ESFJ Career Choices: ESFJs often find themselves in occupations that involve either a lot of direct interaction with other people (e.g. clients, other staff members) or involve responsibility for critical tasks (e.g. those that require complete attention or that may have serious consequences), or both. Very often ESFJs realize their potential in health care and various community care organizations. Other favoured areas of occupation include social work, service-oriented professions as well as teaching (often at elementary schools).
10. ISFJ Career Choices: ISFJs often find themselves in occupations that either involve a lot of interactions with other people and/or require meticulousness and diligence. They work in organizations of various sizes and in industries, where, as a rule, they work with people. Very often ISFJs realize their potential in health care (nurses, patient care and medical services, as well as administrative jobs) and various community care organizations. Other favoured areas of occupation include social work and service-oriented professions.
11. ENFJ Career Choices: ENFJs often find themselves in occupations that require good interpersonal skills to establish productive collaboration as well as to establish or maintain effective work processes. ENFJs are one of the most “universal” personality types and they build successful careers in a broad range of organizations and occupations. There are many ENFJs found in mid- and high-rank management roles. Sales, various social services, counselling, teaching, healthcare, community care as well as legal and paralegal services are just some of the examples of favourable occupations for ENFJs.
12. INFJ Career Choices: INFJs are effective in occupations involving substantial intellectual work, caring for other people, and those that require creativity. INFJs build successful careers in a broad range of organizations. Social and community care services, counselling, teachers of the humanities and social sciences, healthcare workers (both in administration and in medical services), various service-oriented professions along with work in religious services and social movements are just some of the examples of occupations favourable to INFJs. Quite often, they are found in mid-rank management positions. For some of them, occupations in sciences or academia are also favourable.
13. ESFP Career Choices: Any activities requiring good performing or entertaining skills are very suitable for ESFPs. Certain marketing roles that benefit from such skills can be a good fit. ESFPs also often find themselves in occupations that involve direct communication with customers and audiences where similar skills are useful. They may work in organizations of various sizes and industries. Social work or social counselling is also an area favourable to ESFPs. ESFPs often realize their artistic abilities in media and entertainment organizations.
14. ISFP Career Choices: ISFPs often find themselves in occupations that involve communication with customers or occupations that require a good sense of aesthetics such as: customer support roles, store sales associate roles (where aggressive selling is not required). Childcare is a favourable area for ISFPs. Working with data and spreadsheets is also suitable. ISFPs can realize their aesthetic abilities in art, design, and creative media companies.
15. ENFP Career Choices: ENFPs are well-suited to occupations involving a lot of intellectual work focused on the humanities and social sciences, which also requires creativity. For example, they make good life coaches, social workers, psychologists, addiction rehab counsellors, and other mental and community care staff. They are also successful in teaching subjects related to the humanities and social sciences. Additionally, they succeed as journalists and in various occupations requiring good communication skills.
16. INFP Career Choices: Overall, INFPs are effective in occupations involving a lot of intellectual work that is focused on the humanities and social sciences, the spirit and soul, inspirational activities, and those that require creativity. Social workers, psychologists, life coaches, addiction rehab counsellors, mental and community care staff, elementary education, teaching, and creative script writing are just some of the examples of suitable occupations for INFPs. They are also successful in academia thanks to their intellectual strength.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:

Answered over 4 years ago