
Koby Conrad

Skilled in SEO, Social Media, & Startups


Expert in social media, I own over 500K social followers. Each year I manage over 1B social media impressions for myself and my clients.

Founder of Boise Digital Marketing, Boise Cleaning Fairy, and Hippies Hope Shop.

Featured in Forbes, Business Insider, Yahoo Finance, Slate Magazine, and hundreds of other publications.

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Recent Answers

Affiliate Marketing

How do you approach an influencer, a "guru" or a podcaster /blogger in your niche offering a commission without being too direct?

Koby Conrad

Skilled in SEO, Social Media, & Startups

Don't offer an affiliate link, offer cash.

Growth Hacking

What is your Growth Hacking Strategy on Early Stage with Customer Acquisition for the first 100 Paid customer ?

Koby Conrad

Skilled in SEO, Social Media, & Startups

1. Boise Cleaning Fairy, we sell residential & move out cleans. 2. We had no brand, no clients, no cleaning experience. 3. We wanted more customers. To do this we focused on review platforms that had very little competition. The top Yelp cleaner only had 7 reviews, the top Thumbtack cleaner only had 29 reviews, the top Google+ local page had 50 reviews. 4. After the clean was done, we asked the client if they were happy. If they were, we offered them $25 off to leave us a review on either Yelp, Thumbtack, or Google+ (because me & my cofounder were doing the cleans ourselves, this didn't even cost us anything). The end result is we became the #1 rated cleaning service in Idaho within 6 months and went $0-$10k/mo revenue. And we were only spending maybe $200/mo on advertising.


What are the alternatives besides Wire Transfer or Paypal for transfer to overseas accounts?

Koby Conrad

Skilled in SEO, Social Media, & Startups

Probably the cheapest answer would be bitcoin.

Facebook Marketing

What are some of the most effective ways to build an email list using Facebook?

Koby Conrad

Skilled in SEO, Social Media, & Startups

My newsletter has about a 3% conversion rate (no pop ups or anything), my CPC to my website is about $0.10 with Facebook ads, so my cost per lead by scaling traffic is about $0.33. I'm in online E-Commerce Retail. I imagine sending traffic to a landing page with a conversion rate higher than 3% will create an even lower cost per lead. I've worked on a couple different campaigns that have attempted to do this, the biggest one received over 197,000 submissions, but it had a very large $50K+ budget. They all follow the same basic pattern of create the best landing page possible, and send the highest quality traffic to the landing page at the lowest price possible. So really the hardest part is running good Facebook ads. If you have any questions or want to talk about this more feel free to send me a message or schedule a call.


How to validate quality links for link building?

Koby Conrad

Skilled in SEO, Social Media, & Startups

1. You want to make sure that your backlink is a followed backlink. Right clicking on the link and then clicking "inspect element" in the html code, it shouldn't say "nofollow". 2. One of my favorite SEO tools is - they have a free version you can use. The more backlinks that the site has that's linking to you, then the higher quality those backlinks are. You can also tell if the website that's linking to you is trusted and has organic SEO by looking at the countries that are linking to it. If 20% of the websites backlinks are coming from Russia or some 3rd world country it's probably safe to assume that the quality of that website is fairly poor. ahrefs also gives you a quality score for domain authority and page rank. My personal website is (feel free to look it up in ahrefs), if you have any more questions about SEO feel free to send me a message or schedule a call.

Corporate Law

Do entrepreneurs need to do illegal things and break the law? When is breaking the law justified?

Koby Conrad

Skilled in SEO, Social Media, & Startups

More of a political answer than anything to be honest. Laws are created by politicians, politicians make their decisions based on lobbyists & public opinion. Lobbyists and public opinion can both be bought. One person only has one vote, a company can persuade millions of votes. Imagine what would happen if Facebook (or Reddit) put a tiny icon that say "Vote ________ for president", how many people that would influence to vote. Businesses are what influence & create laws in the end. Even your personal opinions come from businesses. Is it something you read in a book? Author makes money, textbook makes money. Read it on the internet? The website makes money. Learned it in school? University makes money, professor makes money. A business that is breaking a law is really just fighting the status quo of the established businesses, which might be why often new businesses think or might assume they need to do something illegal to get ahead. While established businesses such as Comcast or Facebook can break laws and it be "legal" (because they do it in the right way of course). But no, entrepreneurs don't need to do illegal things and break the law. Pick a business model, any business model, and then do it better.

Facebook Advertising

What will happen if I bid lower than the recommended price for Facebook ads?

Koby Conrad

Skilled in SEO, Social Media, & Startups

Whenever you are running a new ad campaign I would recommend you go through and AB test all of your options. I wouldn't suggest focusing on manually placing a bid though. Facebook is extremely effective, a lot more than people realize & a lot more than Facebook advertises. Using their "optimize my bid for _________" will make sure that you are getting the most out of your money. If you are manually placing a bid you wont be able to figure out how far you can scale your ad which is a real pain for testing. Instead of struggling to get Facebook to accept your $0.20 bid I would spend more of my efforts AB testing demographics, interests, copy, & images trying to find optimized ads that convert closer to $0.10 CPC. If you have any more questions on this feel free to just shoot me a message or schedule a call. If you're spending any decent amount of money on Facebook ads it will probably be worth your time to have a professional manage them or at least talk with one before you set up your campaign.

Facebook Advertising

My sales funnel is only performing well on ads from Facebook's similar lookalike custom audience. However, the reach is below 200k. How do I scale it?

Koby Conrad

Skilled in SEO, Social Media, & Startups

I don't know if you have tried this yet, but sometimes having a lookalike custom audience that is 99% similar doesn't always preform better than the lookalike audience that is 97% similar. If I were you I would go through AB test each of the different lookalike audiences, so try 99% vs 98% vs 97% vs 96% vs 95% and see if the less similar audiences will still give you good results, because they should also have a larger audience group for you to market towards. Also have you AB tested interest groups? I'm not sure what your exact niche is but i've worked on campaigns where certain interest groups preformed better than the lookalike audiences. If you're spending a decent amount of money on Facebook ads, having a professional go through and AB test your ads can be a very good idea. It's the difference between having a good ad & knowing you have a perfect ad.

Seed Capital

When they say go prepared,when seeking seed funding how well prepared does that mean?

Koby Conrad

Skilled in SEO, Social Media, & Startups

When someone invests in your business they aren't actually investing in your business, they are investing in you. It's good to keep that in the back of your head. From that point then when they say "go prepared" it probably means in relation to how well you know the person. If you're asking your super rich Uncle, you probably don't need too much more than a good idea and a smile. If you're asking angels, then you want to impress them. You want to convince them that you are a "winner". An amazing pitch, an amazing product, knowing all your numbers, already have raised 10%-50%, those are all things that impress. So when you are thinking about getting prepared, you want to do whatever you can that you think is going to impress the person you are pitching. For an experienced angel/entrepreneur that will probably mean knowing your numbers super solid & have a bunch of great charts/examples.

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