
Abdo Magdy

Access to Egypt, Africa, MENA and Halal markets.


Entrepreneur, Author, Public Speaker, Executive Coach and Strategy Consultant. Advising on Market Entry to Egypt, Africa, MENA and Halal Markets.

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Project Management

What Project Management Course should I take?

Abdo Magdy

Access to Egypt, Africa, MENA and Halal markets.

I ran a web design agency for 6 years, despite of studying PMBOK for advanced project management (for Engineering projects). I used "Web Redesign, Strategies for Success by Kelly Goto" Courser Link: as a basis for building our project management model. 1) Breakdown the project into milestones for your team and for your client example (Finish Wireframes, Confirm on Design Palette and colors, Confirm on Content, Functionality Testing) 2) Include all expected tasks/hours from the beginning, should be increasing with your experience, especially you are focusing on specific platforms, let customer see the different dates in which they are required to provide feedback, even schedule calls with clients on these days 2) Use a robust Project Management tool like BaseCamp, where you can give client direct access to the platform preferably with a Skype/Telephony functionality to schedule calls. If you need any more help designing and deploying your PM system, I would be glad to help.


What can you do when you go broke?

Abdo Magdy

Access to Egypt, Africa, MENA and Halal markets.

Start providing knowledge services, write down areas you are best at and advertise your services probably against an hourly rate. You can use lots of freelancing sites to spot on jobs and projects and as you collect enough money, this will help you to restrategize and relaunch a successful venture. I went through this sometime ago and put a full system for it.

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