
Question on Customer Acquisition, Strategy

How do I handle competition from bigger companies? Acceleratorasked 3 months ago
Vadim RevzinFeatured Reply

Competing with giants can feel intimidating, right?

Warby Parker took on established eyewear brands by offering something different: affordable, stylish glasses with a personal touch.

Differentiate yourself and focus on what makes your startup unique.

Reply3 months ago

Competing with bigger companies can definitely feel intimidating, but it’s also a huge opportunity to find your unique voice. When I started Amity One, I focused on what I could bring to the table that larger companies couldn’t—personal connection and deep understanding of my clients' situations. Don’t try to be everything; instead, hone in on the strengths that make you stand out. Take the time to build real relationships, offer unmatched service, and become a trusted resource in your area. Bigger companies might have the budget, but you can bring heart and dedication, which goes a long way. Over time, these personal connections will lead to loyalty and growth that even the biggest competitors can't match.

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