I want to specialize in Marketing (at my University) and want to learn SEO. I'd like to cover basic and more advanced skills to try and gain some experience. Thank you!
Senior eCommerce and Digital Marketing leader
You can learn a lot by reading through articles on . It is one of the leading sources for SEO and SEM. SEO is a science and an art so you have to learn about each side of the art & science. As mobile continues to grow, SEO becomes more important as there are fewer natural search listings on smaller devices.
Answered almost 8 years ago
Digital Marketing Executive & SEO Consultant
There are lots of great resources on the internet to learn the basics of SEO.
Google has a great PDF at This getting started guide will give you the basics from their eyes.
Google also offers some online information on How Search Works and this can be found at
The key is to make sure you are using current information from trusted sources. Outdated information can quickly lead you astray.
I publish a list of recent articles from trusted sources at This would be another good location to get up to date information from people and agencies you can trust.
Answered almost 8 years ago
Digital Marketing / SEO Expert in Asia
The following will help you build up regular SEO knowledge in bitesize chunks:
Set up a Google Alert with the following parameter: Search Buzz Video Recap: which will send you a weekly alert for
You can get these fed into your inbox mainly which means you can flag them to read when it’s convenient.
Watch Google Webmaster Hangouts summaries via
· Sign up to the newsletter for all things SEO
· Google Algorithm Changes:
· Checking Google Algorithm Fluctuation Activity
· Content strategy: sign up for his newsletter
· Also follow SEO via who basically aggregates all the main SEO blogs
Answered almost 8 years ago
Google Ads & Local SEO Admin in Connecticut
I would check out moz online. They have a great new learning center.
Answered over 7 years ago
🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍
In this coronavirus pandemic, teachers have gone online. As online learning gains momentum, I strongly believe these websites will be extremely helpful:
1. WEB-SAVVY-MARKETING: Web-savvy marketing is a platform that specializes in growing your web presence. The firm's philosophy is that powerful marketing tools can build branding, drive traffic, and produce a tangible stream of revenue and return on investment, and they use this mantra to deliver quality insight on how to properly utilize search engine algorithms. The SEO consulting services here cover the gamut in learning how to optimize search results. This consist of several different methods—discovery, keyword research, site mapping, on page optimization and link building development. They also offer additional coaching and training if necessary. Web-Savvy Marketing is ideal for learning the fundamental concepts of SEO and how to implement them. This site combines online learning with the ability to access professionals who can train you in a one-on-one setting.
2. SEO 101: The absolute basics as written by Jill Kocher. This piece focuses on the vital aspect of keyword research. This underrated aspect of SEO can sink any new project. Her article offers practical solutions to fundamental problems any SEO layman would make. Before, starting your first SEO project make sure you take Jill’s common-sense advice to heart and put it into practice. After you are comfortable, consider indulging her 201 advanced courses. Here she concentrates more on technical points instead of philosophy. Reading both pieces will give you a strong foundation in theory, practice, and skill. Excellent technique is nothing without a strong base in the essential reasoning of SEO. Likewise, good keyword research will go nowhere without the proper competence. Both skills have a role, and it is never too late to go back to the basics. Whether it's a refresher or a crash course, SEO 101 will set you up, and 201 will get you going to the top sooner rather than later.
3. MOZ.COM: is an SEO management company that opened its doors in 2004 and now boast more than 37 thousand clients, with an interesting moniker called T.A.G.F.E.E. (Transparent, Authentic, Generous, Fun, Empathetic, and Exceptional). They offer free tools that can be used for Search Engine Optimization which allows you to check business listings, manage permissions and optimize business listing by assigning the proper categories. They also have a professional subscription that allow you to track the most popular keyword searches, find link building opportunities, use Open Site Explorer, and manage your website's on-page metrics. In addition to handling all your SEO needs, they help correct website errors that may be causing a drop in Google rankings. The cost for packages ranges from as low as $79 to $600 monthly, depending on what services are needed.
4. SEARCH ENGINE WATCH: Since the landscape of SEO changes rapidly, this platform is another tool to gain knowledge and navigate the unpredictable terrain. Search Engine Watch is designed to help you figure out how search engine algorithms work to benefit your business. With the aid of videos and blog articles you will learn how to research keywords, on-page optimization, writing for the web, content strategy, link building and how to use Google analytics. You will also learn how to implement the latest accelerated mobile page technology and deal with semantic natural language search to help put your web page centre stage on Google and other search engines. One other benefit you will find with this site is several links to outside resources for learning. So if you are struggling to understand the concept of SEO, or just need to expand on what you already know, this is the place to be.
5. WEBMASTER WORLD: Webmaster World is a world leader in news and discussion forums, where webmasters can discuss any topic that is related to professional web mastery. They have several public forums that anybody can get on to find answers to questions about anything relating to web development. What is most appealing about this site is the Pro aspect of it. Webmaster World has a pro version that has articles from industry experts that go into detail about how algorithms are constantly changing and how to evolve with them to ensure that your site remains atop the search pages. The pro version cost $89 for a six-month period or $149 per year. With this, you will receive access to private support forums, a guarantee of no future ads, access to the webmaster world tool set, and private supporters Google SEO forum. Because this site is a community of webmasters, it is constantly being updated by means of their open list posts, tools, and resources.
6. SEARCH ENGINE JOURNAL: Search Engine Journal consistently brings its members updates and “how-to” articles from the most reputable experts in search engine optimization, paid search, and social analytics and tools. They constantly add articles to help you utilize sites like Google, Yahoo, and Bing to help increase traffic to your site. SEJ also keeps you up to date with the latest intelligence on PPC and CPC. One other aspect of this platform is to help readers develop better, more entertaining content. While SEO is an important part of having an online platform, the content you create is what keeps you relevant and separates you from the rest. Visit this platform to find fresh takes on how to keep your content engaging to get people, not just clicking onto your site, but engaging with your content. Virtually all contributed articles, tutorials, campaign critiques, content marketing strategies and best practices come from and are covered by real online marketing experts.
7. SEARCH ENGINE LAND: Search Engine Land gathers several articles written on search engine optimization from all over the web. These articles range anywhere from tips for better social engagement to determining how to make your links more valuable, ultimately landing your page rank higher in search engine algorithms. The site covers all aspects of SEO, including industry trends, digital marketing disciplines, and practical tips and strategies for running successful marketing programs. The platform also has several discussions and articles on how to take advantage of mobile filters, such as how to use call and SMS data to bring in new customers, how to grow calls and customers with display ads, and tips on how to get your app ranked and installed. This is among the best places to go for in-depth lessons on optimizing your website's visibility, giving you pointers for social media marketing, mobile optimization, and search engine optimization.
8. E-COMMERCE SEO: THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE: E-Commerce has eclipsed traditional stores as the leading economic force in the world. Store closures and layoffs show how many industries are moving towards a focus on digital presence as opposed to a physical one. However, driving e-commerce is a different ballgame about SEO. Traditional SEO will bring customers to your site, but are they serious? This “definitive” guide will show you how to attract seriously interested people with intent to buy. This dedication must take root in all facets of your online marketing. This includes keywords research, SEO, technical application, and advertising. The goal with any e-commerce site is to drive revenue and produce sales. This can be done through a variety of media, but in the end, requires a desirable product and perfectly targeted marketing. This guide will teach you how to make hits turn into sales. It is a complete tour de force on all giants in the industry, with a special focus on industry behemoth, Amazon. Overall, if you have any sort of e-commerce presence (and you should) you should take this article to heart.
9. SEO BY THE SEA: SEO by the Sea is a blog site operated by Bill Slawski based out of San Diego, California. Slawski stays current on everything related to search engines and internet marketing. Bill Slawski has been in the business of professional search engine optimization and internet market consulting since 1996. He uses professional and proactive approaches to help businesses find their way in the online world, which certainly gives him high credibility within the online community. Some of the services offered by SEO by the Sea include in-depth SEO site audits along with recommending how to improve, keyword research, link building strategies, SEO training and coaching, local search SEO to increase online and offline traffic, blogging consulting, analysis of competitors, and SEO guidance during the development of your website.
10. MARKETING LAND: Marketing Land has several different sections that are covered, consisting of Martech, CMO, social, SEM, SEO, mobile, analytics, display, email, retail, and video. Having so many different areas being covered makes it a particularly useful tool for anyone trying to build their online presence. The home page displays the most recent articles that have been put up on various related platforms across the web and are updated in real time. Some of the highlights of this site include their articles illustrating how artificial intelligence work, to penalizing spammy ad websites. This site is remarkably like Search Engine Land, but what sets it apart is the number of different categories that are covered. If you have questions on anything having to do with online visibility, this platform can be an extremely useful resource for you to widen your audience and reach more consumers online.
11. THE SEM POST: The SEM Post is a place where the industry experts of search engine marketing get together to help firms increase their visibility in the online marketplace. The SEM Post was launched in 2014 and is a fresh look at the marketing industry. They give important news and updates along with commentary on why the announcements are so important and how they will impact your business. The writers for The SEM post are not just average authors writing posts and disappearing until the next deadline. Their contributors constantly provide engagements to help others who find it difficult to gain traction in the online world. The SEM Post has several different contributors, each with their own expertise that they bring to the table, allowing them to be among the industry leaders in search engine optimization. This site also allows you to submit your own tips or articles on search engine marketing.
12. SEARCH ENGINE ROUNDTABLE: Search Engine Roundtable is a website that reports on the most interesting threads that are taking place on search engine marketing forums. Their mission is to, “provide a single source for the reader to visit and locate the most interesting threads covered at these forums.” This no doubt help readers save a substantial amount of time. Instead of having to search the entire web, going through forums and discussion topics, this site delivers all the information you need in a centralized location. Search Engine Roundtable allows frequenters to submit news and content, provided that the submitter meets their submission criteria. This site can be especially useful for those who would like to be embedded in a community that is focused on helping internet users optimize their website's search results. If this is a community that you think you would like to be a part of, simply sign up and subscribe for email or RSS notifications.
13. ADVANCED WEB RANKING: Advanced Web Ranking is a site that began way back in 2002. It was created by two people who were trying to “install packages for desktop software distribution and has been evolving with the technological innovations since then." The features of Advanced Web Ranking include a web-based rank tracker, an easy-to-use interface, and accurate ranking results. Each of these aspects combined will guarantee that you are not only optimizing your results but also that you have an accurate reading as to where you stand compared to the rest of the competition. With this platform you can also create an unlimited number of campaigns and track as many competitor websites as needed—again this is UNLIMITED. Advanced Web Ranking work on desktop and mobile devices alike, allowing you to get a full view of what your company is doing regardless of where you are. The pricing ranges from $50 per month for the starter pack to $500 per month for the enterprise package.
14. WIKIPEDIA PAGERANK: This tool goes through the PageRank algorithm used by search engines such as Google, Bing, yahoo, and many others. Optimizing this algorithm means that you will be more likely to be a top tier site when your keywords are input into search engines. Maximizing this algorithm requires that you understand what exactly makes your page rank higher than others. This can be achieved by having a website that not only makes use of keywords, but commands people to frequent and stay on your page for long periods of time. It will also count the number of quality links to a page to determine about how much importance is attributed to that website, relevant to the keyword search. Wikipedia PageRank is probably one of the single most important tools to make use of if you want to maximize your online search presence and stay on top of your competitors.
15. QUICKSPROUT: Operated by Neil Patel, this website is a well-respected platform that works to educate and inform those new to search engine optimization—making growing a website simple. They have consulting services, university classes and even webinars. The course consists of seven chapters that will familiarize you with all the important and basic aspects of search engine optimization. The seven chapters include introduction to what is search engine optimization, site speed and performance, new search, advanced data research, keyword research, link building with content, and search verticals. Quick Sprout has gone on record with a marketing tactic that advertises that after your course completion you will be able to double your traffic within 30 days. This is a free course worth a $300 value. The Quick Sprout University course covers areas such as how to generate traffic to your site, building an email list, how to find a niche for affiliate marketing, getting more likes using Facebook ads, and a whole lot more.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:
Answered over 4 years ago